Oh no! not another 1

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I've been waiting for the last 2 or 3 years for my gift leopard danios to finally die out. I liked them in my "river-ish" tank but really would like Vietnamese white clouds (t. micagemmae) instead. Yesterday my husband, while feeding the tank said "Hey there's a small danio in here". WTF? I hope he's wrong. The "last" adult died a year ago. I only occaisionally feed flake but, well, not very often. If it's really there, it must be very good at grazing & slow growing.

I looked hard several times today but didn't see it...lots of plants & rocks to hide in. I'm hoping it was a baby sewellia loach cruising across the tank...sometimes breeding isn't so fun. I'll keep looking but I didn't want more danios...It would be dang near impossible to catch even almost tearing down the tank, not something I'm planning on doing. Gah!
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Very funny 2tank!

I think the danio may harass/eat? the much smaller micagemmae. It might just try to school with them. At 1 time I had both white clouds & Vietnamese 1s, I prefer the smaller 1's. They didn't seem intimidated by their larger cousins. The WC females were ~ the size of the danios...but different species...

I'll have to think about risk vs rewards of having 15-20 possible danio snacks. A guy in my club breeds them or used to, such pretty little fish. I've been patiently waiting for a long time!!