Oscar tank mates

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Shannon B.

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Dec 28, 2002
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Hi! I am interested in getting some information on possible tank mates for Oscars. I have a 125 gallon tank and I love Oscars. The only problem is, I have had many problems with aggressive Oscars in the past. I've been considering Firemouth Cichlids, Bala Sharks, Iridescent Sharks, Gars, and Clown Loaches as possibilities. I previously had 2 Oscars in the 125 tank, but had to get rid of them because they did not get along with each other at all. I'm not interested in breeding any fish either.

Does anyone have any suggestions for possible tank mates, especially any other fish with personalities similar to Oscars who are maybe less aggressive? Also, on how many and how big they should be to start with? Also, is it better to start with smaller or larger Oscars? I've always gotten them at about 1" to start before... I'll probably stick with only 1 or maybe 2 Oscars, depending on the feedback I get.


AC Members
Dec 15, 2002
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Stay away from bala sharks, ID sharks and gars! They will all get too large for a 125g - bala and ID sharks can hit 2 feet+, and gars, depending on which type you get, will grow anywhere from 2 feet to 10 feet.

Good cichlid tankmates for oscars:

Jack Dempsey
Green Terror (may be a bit too aggressive though, especially if you get a male)

Good non-cichlid tankmates for oscars:

Silver dollars
Tinfoil barbs
Clown loaches

Oscars are not the aggressive fish people make them out to be. They just try to eat anything small enough to fit in their mouth - by and large, they'll leave anything else alone.

The most important factor when considering tankmates for an oscar is the size you acquire it at and the rate at which it and the other fish in the tank grow.

Oscars grow extremely fast, but, for example, clown loaches don't. You might buy a one inch oscar and 5 one inch clown loaches, and 6 months later you now have a 8 inch oscar and 5 two inch clown loaches - pretty soon your clown loaches will be expensive feeders.

For that reason I'd buy at least young adult, mid size fish if you want to keep them with an oscar and other cichlids.


AC Members
Nov 19, 2002
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Originally posted by Jukax
Stay away from bala sharks, ID sharks and gars! They will all get too large for a 125g - bala and ID sharks can hit 2 feet+,


lol have you ever seen a bala over 2 feet? aquaria central, ****************, and every where else that i've seen has them maxed out at 14 inches and that is after years.

even the guy at www.**************** said:
From time to time I hear well intentioned but rather cross advice to new aquarists, who are told something like, "You really shouldn't get Bala Sharks because they will soon grow to 14", and it isn't fair to keep them in a little aquarium." Well they probably won't grow to 14", even with the best of care, but they might grow to 7" and have a nice long healthy life. It will take several years for them to grow to 7". You might start with six of them at about 2.5" long in a 30-gallon aquarium with a few other compatible fish.

In a couple of years, when your Balas have grown to be 4" long, they'll need a bigger aquarium, and eventually they'll need at least a 75-gallon aquarium.
sorry, don't mean to sound rude but i think many people have the wrong idea about fish and the maximum size that they can reach. that said, although they are a considered by many as 'fast growing' they still may take time to reach the size that is comparable to your oscar.