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Home Zookeeper in Training....
May 13, 2003
Midlothian, TX
Could be the start of ick, could be nothing, My green terror has one little spot on his right pectoral fin, this has never become anything. I think it may be a scar from earlier on in his life. If it is ick it will quickly spread so you might want to medicate your tank. How are you fish acting? Are they scratching against anything like gravel or rocks? If so then I would immediately treat them for some kind of parasites. I have found that the tank buddies brand you can pick up at walmart works rather well as long as it contains the medication praziquantel. I just had to use some myself :mad: last time I give them unquarrantined ghost shrimp!


AC Members
Aug 20, 2003
Visit site
hmmm, well a couple days ago in the same tank i had bala sharks and mollys, gouramis and other fish and they all almost got ich i treated it but it came back and killed other almost all of my fish, anyways i cleaned out the tank and bought my oscars but from hat i see it seems like a mole, nothing serious and they act alirhgt tome but their still trying to fit in with their new home


Home Zookeeper in Training....
May 13, 2003
Midlothian, TX
How long between the deaths and adding new fish? how did you treat for ick? standard raise temperature and add aqurium salt or did you use other medications? If it has been a short amount of time since the other fish died and you added the oscars Ick might not be done with its incubation period and may be infecting your new fish.BTW how big is that tank, with the inhabitants that you were speaking of I would geuss that it probably is not big enough for two oscars. You need at least a 75 gallon for those two. a 100 would be better. if there are any fish that survived from your community set up the oscars will probably eventually kill them.