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Jun 7, 2004
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I do have a 10gal QT that I have used in the past. I only have a Aqua Clear 110 Power Filter and a heater. If I took some sand, LR from the 75gal and fresh salt water, Would that work for the QT with the eel?


AC Members
Mar 21, 2007
Hillsborough NC
I totally agree ;)

Also the Aqua Clear will prove worst off for only if it was to be a freshwater for on marine small tanks, I not would use those :(


AC Members
Jun 7, 2004
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That's all I can do till the new tank is in, and that won't be until September. I'll talk with my LFS and see if they can house him for a short time.

what is the best way to setup a QT tank for him?



AC Members
Mar 21, 2007
Hillsborough NC
Most suggest a 20 gal tank and as up to a 30 and all you need is a good skimmer to manage this tank with just some reg type of lighting and piping for hiding places with a small heater for when treating any ill fish, you need to keep the tank a bit warmer near like 83F But being you would have a HOB skimmer and when you need to apply any medications the skimmer would have to be lowered down some on the air intake for it would remove the medicine real quick like.

Now I on this of a QT, im using a 40 gal tank for when the reef tanks are ready to begin stocking and I a dusting of aragonite sand for which is not even a 1/4" for a deep sand bed when treating with copper, it will linger in the tank a long time.

Now if you are thin king about setting it up right away and placing this eel in it, you will only finish it off in a hurry for even that you use water from this tank the eel is in, the tank will still have a cycle as well and this was already said, I wouldn't look to try and move this eel, but too get a good look at it and look to what you can do for it. If anything, remove the other fish.

For im concern here on a number of things for your eel, its stunt growth for one and is very unhealthy as well other pointers that were giving about the skimmer. I am sorry fella, for this eel and your disappointment for if the worst do happens here :(


Girl Reefer...we do exist
May 1, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I know how to set up a QT tank for a fish, coral, or clam but not sure about eels. If they are done like fish you need a tank, heater, sponge filter/or HOB filter, some media to help with the cycle and a few pieces of PVC for them to hide in. You don't use live rock or sand for fish in QT.

If you're in a real pinch you can go ghetto-fabulous with QT and use a rubbermade bin but you'll want a good cover on it for that eel I'd think. And of course don't seal it off completely from air.

I'd personally get the eel out as I said and really investigate how it appears right now. If there is a chance you can treat it, having it in a QT tank will be far better than in the display tank.

Either way, whatever you decide please read more about QT tanks so that your current fish have a place to go if needed as well and any new livestock are placed there before going in yoru display. I learned that one the hard way, see my signature for my new mantra.


AC Members
Mar 21, 2007
Hillsborough NC
OOPS! Excuse me> I been waiting at home most the day for a private investigator to do some paper work update for the insurance company for my disability.

Anyway, its like any tank for an eel, there needs to be no escape routes in which case being so small a tank and that HOB is what you will have. You will need that plastic strip that goes on the back when you buy a glass cover for the tank and you will need to cut it to fit snug against the HOB equipment.

Also, you can as well if you take the time, you can have a 30 gal tank with a sump on it and all you have to worry about there is that you tell your lfs to fit the overflow box that it would be nearly flush with the glass cover so there be no escape through the sump area. And depending on how strong a eel you have, you would also put duct tape across the back so that the eel could push up on the plastic strip across the back of this tank.

I hope Its all understood :)
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AC Members
Jun 7, 2004
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I 'm going to look into replacing the skimmer. Now, I want to be able to use this skimmer on the new tank that will have a sump. What skimmer would you guys recommend for a 180gal tank with mess eaters?