spraybar question w/ overflow

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loaches r cool

Snail Terminator
Feb 15, 2006
Gahanna, Ohio
Ok, so I'll be building my first overflow/sump filter for my next big planted tank. I am familiar with the jist of the design but not some of the finer details. I'll look at one issue at a time. First, I am not very familiar with how the return 'spraybar' thingies work. I have seen the bulgy looking flexable doohikey that comes out over top of the overlfow. But that doesnt look to me like it spreads out the flow very much, and probably doesnt get much current towards the bottom in a bigger tank. I havent seen any pics or diagrams of a more traditional spraybar. Can on simply run pvc pipe over the top of the overflow and down near the bottom of the tank, then an elbow and a long piece with holes in it? What would be the best way? (I know to drill a hole nearer the top for anti-siphon protection). I appreciate any design suggestions. In the mean time I'll keep on searching...