suggestions for project

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Registered Member
Nov 19, 2010
Currently i am planning a build for this coming summer. I want to do an indoor pond but have a small dilemma regarding the size. The pond will house a rtc and a couple midas cichlids along with some smaller fish. The thing i would like some opinions on is the dimensions i should build. There are two options that i favor more than others. One is 8'x8' and the other is 6'x10'. both will have water level of about 3'. which of these in your opinion would be better for the application? or would you do something different? and is 3' a good dept? Any suggestions or advice would be great thanks.


AC Members
Apr 27, 2010
So Cal
i have no basic knowledge of the requirements for the RTS, other than bigger is much better.

from a practical point of view, a 6' x 10' (actually 6' x 11') x 3' deep tank would be a good fit to a 15' x 20' EPDM liner, but an 8' x 8' would need a larger standard size liner (20' x 20') for essentially the same area and volume.

i think that the real issue is how does it fit into the intended room? you need an absolute minimum of 3' of walking room on each side that gives you access to the pond, and if you run power or plumbing along a wall you'll need to stand the pond back from that wall by another 3' so you can get in if you need to.

make sure the floor can stand that dead weight load (~200 psf, 13,000 pounds total), and don't forget to have GFI circuits on all power outlets in the room (including the room lights)!