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AC Members
Feb 3, 2008
Geneva, IL
How many people have tarantulas? My husband got one a year ago May 30th and now a little over a year later he has 46 tarantulas. Now I have to say that they where not my first choice of pets, heck I think they were probably my second to last, last being a snake(which my son now has). I do have to say that I have come to like them. There are so many different ones out there, but most people think that they are just black or brown. My neighbor who works at a nature center asked us to bring some of our T's for their animal hour. I thought that no one would show up, but I was wrong. They had the most people that they had for a one hour show. We had over 70 people. In August we are doing a show with a natural history museum for two days and we are going to be on TV to promote the event. I think that it is the creepy cool factor that draws people. They still don't want to own them but they come away with a little more knowledge then they had before. I just wanted to share a couple of my favorites. The first picture is a P. scrofa. We have had this sling for a year now. It shows that they start out small, not these jumbo tarantulas. The second one is eating a cricket. The second is of a Mexican Red Knee, She is a nice size. This species was popular in the 1970's movies. If you find one you will know that it is not WC. The last one is a versi. It is my favorite. Right now while it is small it is that color blue, but when it becomes an adult it will turn reddish. That is the last picture although it isn't one of my tarantulas

B. Smithi (Mexican Red Knee) 2.jpg P. Scrofa (Chilean Copper).JPG Versi crop.jpg PIC00183.JPG adult versi.jpg


AC Members
Feb 25, 2008
Norwich, England
Wow, my old flat mate had a tarantula that escaped at a party never seen people leave so quickly. LOL. You have some very nice specimens there.


AC Members
Feb 3, 2008
Geneva, IL
The blue and red one is the same kind of tarantula. It is called a Avicularia versicolor. When it is a sling it is blue then as it matures it turns red. A 1 inch sling can run you anywhere from $20.00 to $40.00, but a 4" female can run you $200.00. We were lucky we got ours when it was about .75"-1" but it was free. Right now it is about 2". It more then doubled it's size in a year. As of yet we have not been able to sex it. Females live longer and are more expensive.

When I'm working I hear a lot of times yuk a tarantula. Then I ask them what color are tarantulas? The usual answer is brown or black. That is when I tell them that there is a whole rainbow of different color tarantulas.


Extinct? Since when?
Feb 3, 2008
Great Lakes, Illinois
Real Name
Definitely not David
The first spider looks like something I would find in a corner of my tool shed at 10:00 pm. The blue one looks very cool.


AC Members
Feb 28, 2007
Fairfax, VA

I think I'd have a cow if I was there. I'm not too keen on spiders. I can deal with all sorts of things - there is just something about spiders that really gets me. I never understood why..


AC Members
Apr 8, 2008
Tallahassee FL
spiders kinda freak me too, but the shows on tv about them, i cant resist. ther are kinds that find special, accustic rocks to place around ther holes, and when somthin steps on them, it can tell if its danger or lunch. and kinds specially designed to live on bigger spiders webs without them knowing, and steal food.

but put any of those on me and ill scream like a little girl.

people say i know too much.......................