Trying again, advice welcome

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Registered Member
Apr 2, 2017
In the process of setting up a new 25 gallon 24"X12"X21" I dirted it and would like opinions of my substrate, lighting, and filtration. So first I have about 1" of miracle grow organic soil I sifted, then a thin layer of unscented kitty litter, then about a quarter of an inch of crushed coral, and finally I capped it all with about 2" of eco-complete I took out of a tank that was set up about a year ago that didn't have any plants. Its been sitting in about 2" of water in the tank for a week now. I bought a DIY CO2 kit with a diffuser and a finnex 24" planted 24/7 led light. Filtration is a emperor 400 because I have several laying around (kinda overkill)

I haven't ordered plants yet, ideally I'd like to have dwarf baby tears carpet, anubias, and a sword but I don't know if my lighting and co2 system will do it?

Anyways thoughts, advice, and comments are appreciated


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Since nobody answered you I'll try. I don't have co2 set up yet & never tried a dirted tank. I think you need a different filter, HOBs off gas co2 from the splashy return. HC (dwarf baby tears) isn't so much a high light plant, "medium" is probably good enough, but co2 is needed.

Be careful which sword you choose, many get too big for your tank & may shade the HC. Tropica is a smaller sword. Have you considered crypts? I hear they love dirt & come in many size, color & leaf shapes. C. cordata "blassii", c. houdorii ("bullated" leaves= puckered texture), c. longifolia? are some bigger kinds to look at. Tall & thin = balansae, spiralis & retrospiralis. Can you tell I like crypts?

Also be aware of moving plants around in a dirt tank. It can be very messy, my big drawback to doing it.

What ferts are you planning? Dry is much less expensive but your tank is fairly small.


Registered Member
Apr 2, 2017
Yes the filter is too big but I had it laying around so I used it. I have so.e root tabs and excel but to my knowledge I shouldn't have to fertility for a while because the dirt is packed with nutrients. If I'm wrong please tell me. I haven't set up the co2 yet, I changed my mind on baby tears. Went with dwarf sag, Java fern, anubias, a sword, and s repens. Here's a pic of the setup so far



AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Very nice start! I like the wood & staurogyne! Dwarf sag. may or not be good there: mine, if it's in front it grows tall, mid tank it grows lower...but lately it's staying low for me in front, yay!

You might consider tying your java ferns higher on the wood or maybe an anubias just right of your filter intake on the wood. There are many sizes & types of anubias.

Give it some time to grow in before you add other plants, there's no hurry & with dirt, you don't want to change thing up too often. Be patient, you'll be happy if you do!


Registered Member
Apr 2, 2017
I was thinking the same thing you said about tying some anubias by the filter intake. I think I'll go by the LFS tomorrow and see what they have. All the plants in there I ordered from Dustin's fishtanks.

I got my bubble counter and diffuser in the mail today for my diy co2 so tomorrow I'm going to get that going. I'm reading conflicting theories online that I should or shouldnt put an air stone in the tank on a timer when the lights go out to keep from gassing my fish. I have the stuff to do that and I think I will because my lids are almost air tight.