UV Sterilizer???

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P.I. Girl

More difficult than I thought!
Mar 3, 2008
Charlotte, NC
I have a 180 gallon aquarium with various aquatic plants (Anubias, Bomba, assorted Swords, Bananas, Giant Baby Tears, etc.) I have been battling algae for over a month now. I have used numerous products that claim to get rid of algae, however, nothing has worked. About one week ago, I took an entire day and tore down the entire tank and reset it. This process did not help either. The tank was clear for about two days and now, it's so green I can't see my fish! So far I've lost 2 Giant Danios and now I'm starting to panic. The water parameters are good:

PH 7
KH 4
GH 2
NO2 <0.3
NH3 0
NO3 0

CO2 indicator is a :)

I have a combination of Pure Laterite and Soilmaster for my bottom 2 1/2" of substrate. Then a layer of Seachem Onyx sand and CaribSea Tahitian Sand mixed for the top 2". Right now I have a Cascade 1500 cannister filter running. I also put a Fluval 4 plus filter in the tank temporarily to try to help clean out some of the algae. I placed two bubble curtains in the tank (which I understand is bad for the plants but the algae is so bad that the fish were gasping for air). So confused! I just read last night during my frantic searches online for an answer to my problem that perhaps I need a UV Sterilizer?? Help! Please!:cry: