What to do, what to do, what to do?

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AC Members
May 4, 2007
After almost 3 years I took down my reef. It was getting to be too much work and I just didn't have the time. Now I'm looking for something to put into the tank. It's 65 gallons, and I have a 30 gallon sump that I'm going to turn into a wet/dry. I'll use a Mag 9.5 connected to a WavySea for the return which should give a nice gentle flow. I still have 2x75watt VHO actinic and 2x39HO T-5 (1 6500K, 1 10,000K), RO/DI, etc.

Now, what to put in there? I'm thinking either South American or West African riverine biotope. Any other suggestions? Species tank? Neon Tetra tank? What else could I do that would be cool but low maintanence (i.e. water change every week or 2, clean the glass every few days)?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.