XP2 intake placement question

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AC Members
Nov 8, 2006
Hi, recently I just got a Rena XP2 for my 46g bow front, which is working together with an AC50 HOB filter. I have two heaters inside, one is a 100W on the left hand side underneith the AC50 filter, the other heater which is a 200W or 250W (I don't remember) is on the right side where the XP intake tube is located. Where the XP2 intake is located, I used to have an AC30 running there and I've always kept my heaters set at 79 degrees and the thermostats on either sides of the tank always displayed temperature around there. Now, the heaters are still in the same spot, but the intake tube of the XP2 filter extends a lot lower than the AC30 intake tube and it's located about only half an inch away from the 200/250W heater. THe thermostats have been registering readings of 77 degrees in the tank. At first I thought maybe the heater is broken, but when I touched it, it was on. So my question is this...should there be a certain distance between the intake of the XP2 filter and the heater? Since they're so close together right now, is it possible that whenever the heater is turned on and heating the water, the filter just sucks the warm water out of the tank, so the temperature never reaches its desired level? Thanks!


AC Members
Jan 2, 2007
Alberta, Canada
IMO its best to have your heater in the flow of water, it would help maintain a more consistent temperature, just far enough away thats it isnt physically heating your intake.


Senior Member, Sophomoric Attitude
Feb 16, 2002
Syracuse, NY
...is it possible that whenever the heater is turned on and heating the water, the filter just sucks the warm water out of the tank, so the temperature never reaches its desired level? Thanks!
Hopefully you can laugh at this too P00r...where does the water go when the filter sucks it out of the tank????:Angel:

No, the heat loss wouldn't be that drastic unless your filter is down the hall and the water has a long way to travel :)

An AC50 and XP2 should be circulating the water enough that it shouldn't matter where you put the heaters. Turn the temp up a couple degrees and see.


AC Members
Nov 8, 2006
I understand that it would be filtered back into the tank, but if the water just started to get warm, then goes through the filter, the short length should be enough to reject the small amount of heat that it had gained...But yeah I turned the temperature of the heater to 80 degrees now, but it's only registering about 78


AC Members
Nov 8, 2006
Hm then I wonder what's wrong with the heater...it's only two months old, I always turn it off when I do water changes, then turn it back on about 30 minutes after all the water change have finished so it adjusts to water temperature. The thermometers I have are the ones that you stick onto the outside of the tank. I have two, one on each side. They're both reading around the same temperature, so I doubt there's something wrong with them


We don't need no stinking badges!
Jan 25, 2007
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
The controls on a lot of heaters do not read accurately. It really doesn't matter if you have to set to a higher or lower temp as long as it comes on and goes off and keeps the tank temp where you want it.