a couple of my loaches

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
What could he possibly need that doesn't involve tanks? Oh, he's 1 of those...It took a while but after 45 years, mine gets it too!! LOL! Lots of plugs at your next house!

Actually, we've shared the hobby for 40+ (ish) years. Sometimes more 1 than the other & almost never at the same club at the same time in DE. Still fun togetherish in a way though. (I got tired of looking for emojis) (cheers!)


AC Members
Feb 26, 2020
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Yeah the aquarium hobby isn't his thing, but he supports it enough. He just likes to whine about not having outlets or space lol

He's into working out and cooking. The kitchen is his space for all his cookware. And I won't touch his good cookware, because I'll likely ruin it lol I'm a horrible cook.

the plug problem will be solved when we move--all of the tanks will be confined to ONE room in the basement. This way I have my own space for my hobbies and it doesn't interfere with anyone else.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I like to cook too, my retired husband is learning to sous chef some things...& some cleaning too!!!

We have solar panels & pay nothing but $20/month distribution? charge :D Maybe not even a future thought where you are but look into it. Most all of the easy to reach plugs are in use. Basements can be easier to run wires & plumbing, & on a slab no big tank weight issues! My house has a crawl space but my living & dining rooms are on slab so good for a big tank for now...or more?


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
Wetspot has them for sale right now @ $15 each; of course shipping will be a lot more than that as they only ship overnight.

Since I rewoke old thread this for NoodleCats, I thought I'd give a quick update on my sewellia & riverish tank. Sadly my beautiful peppermint loaches in a different tank died out 6 months or so later in 2018 (sniffle). If anyone sees them or the similar rainbow loaches for sale, PLEASE tell me!!!


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Woot! Thank you so much, jake!!! I just looked a week or so ago.

We have friends in Salem, OR, near Portland. That's how I got them before. I'm overly excited. I think it's only $40 for shipping to CA but we owe our friends a visit. Deep breath, now where can I put them?...Thinking hard...& fast!

❤ I'm beyond Happy Valetines Day! I think it's happy loachy day!!


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Well, thinking for almost 24 hours I think I just have to order them, at least 6 but maybe 8 or even 10. I need to find out how many they have & what size & maybe how long they've had them. When I got them before they'd been "in stock" for a few months & that counted as a partial QT to me. My husband & I are trying to remember what fish we kept with them but we're drawing blanks right now. A couple aged angels maybe, we don't recall.

They have a 72-79F temp range, I can do that! But they'd have to go in my 75g with 6 cory aeneus & 2 BN plecos. My last rummy nose died this week. But that's a bunch of bottom fish. The original plan was for a bn to go into my 110g. The sewellia tank is pretty wimpy fish & can't add any fish there except wimpy schoolers. Maybe 1 bn & the corys to the "big 110g tank"...I'm thinking as hard & fast as I can...


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
Well, thinking for almost 24 hours I think I just have to order them, at least 6 but maybe 8 or even 10. I need to find out how many they have & what size & maybe how long they've had them. When I got them before they'd been "in stock" for a few months & that counted as a partial QT to me. My husband & I are trying to remember what fish we kept with them but we're drawing blanks right now. A couple aged angels maybe, we don't recall.

They have a 72-79F temp range, I can do that! But they'd have to go in my 75g with 6 cory aeneus & 2 BN plecos. My last rummy nose died this week. But that's a bunch of bottom fish. The original plan was for a bn to go into my 110g. The sewellia tank is pretty wimpy fish & can't add any fish there except wimpy schoolers. Maybe 1 bn & the corys to the "big 110g tank"...I'm thinking as hard & fast as I can...
Well while you are getting those loaches - this is what i got yesterday:


AC Members
Jun 7, 2019
I have never had those Dianema, but always wanted a group. Beautiful!
Lucky you with a group of 8....