Caution! Extremely Opinionated Posting!

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12 Volt Man

AC Members
Feb 11, 2007
Ontario Canada
12 Volt Man's barbs certainly fall in that category and the fact that he has such great looking fish in a relatively small aquarium is a testament to his fish-keeping skills.
thanks. those tanks are no more as I sold them when I moved. but my 150g should make a much better home for my new barbs that I am growing up. still not 210g per barb though haha

Jim in Michiana

Tanganyikan Lover
Feb 23, 2009
LaPorte, Indiana
This reminds me of my tacky fish bathroom at my last house. Fish xmas lights, glow in the dark shapes. I'd add new stuff just to see how long it took for my husband to notice.

Jim's wife here..... This tank is not to be taken seriously.... it was set up purely for my grandson's enjoyment.... he's 2 and squeals and giggles when he looks at it... You are the only one who seems to have "gotten" the concept of my "tacky tank" :y220d: Thanks everyone for your comments.... some have really made me laugh!

In addition.... this tank is a work in progress.... I will be adding more as I find it. If I hold it up, and show it to Jim, and he throws up a little in his mouth, then I know it's the next addition. I also have light up toys.... the volcano and color changing crystal ball are two of them. I will try to get pics up of them with "lights out" sometime.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Feb 18, 2002
Raleigh, NC
I think it's awesome. ;) If you're gonna do it, do it right!


;sup' dog? ;woof and a wwwoof!
Jan 21, 2009
Jim's wife here..... This tank is not to be taken seriously.... it was set up purely for my grandson's enjoyment.... he's 2 and squeals and giggles when he looks at it... You are the only one who seems to have "gotten" the concept of my "tacky tank" :y220d: Thanks everyone for your comments.... some have really made me laugh!

In addition.... this tank is a work in progress.... I will be adding more as I find it. If I hold it up, and show it to Jim, and he throws up a little in his mouth, then I know it's the next addition. I also have light up toys.... the volcano and color changing crystal ball are two of them. I will try to get pics up of them with "lights out" sometime.
that is just freakin' awesome. :y220e: judging by that post alone you seem to have a great outlook on life. :thumbsup::thumbsup:


Seeker of Piscean Wisdom
Apr 10, 2009
San Francisco
wow you have too much time on your hands...people keep they're tanks for their own personal reasons and everybody's taste is different...just because somebody has a tank that is not pleasing to your eye does not make it an abomination. Your holy than though attitude makes fish keepers look snooty and opinionated. Sure clown gravel and cords hanging everywhere looks crappy to me, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Live and let live sure theres plenty of people that would think your tanks are ugly. Its just a hobby dont take it so seriously wow
Wow indeed! There are many people who don't read through the thread to see how things develop and then voice the same complaints as a dozen or so people already have, and which have been acknowledged with retractions, apologies, and at least a few times by actually coming around to the other person's point of view are so plentiful! Your post seems to be yet another but I'd still like to address it. However, if you want retractions and apologies please read through the whole thread, which is where you'll find 'em.

Look, I'm not sure why you find it worth saying that I have too much time on my hands. Could be a bit clearer, because if it's meant as a put-down then you're being as mean and dismissive as this thread's first post and dissing someone in public is generally done to make them less credible and to lower their standing in the eyes of their peers; be careful - turnabout is fair play and you might find yourself looking a bit foolish in the end. Anyhow, thanks for sharing your opinion about my time schedule - I'm sure that someone out there in cyberspace will find it somehow useful or interesting; yes, it's got to be true that there is one other person out there somewhere who finds it interesting to surmise that I have too much free time! Good for you!

Thinking of opinions, the over-the-top opinion I stated about abominable tanks specifically was about tanks that were not only very colorful, with air driven filters and so forth but also housed oversized and crowded fish. For one thing, I do find tanks housing fish in poor conditions to be abominable. Second, don't you find it a bit silly to use such strong language to denounce noisy air pumps, multicolor gravel, and silly decor? I sure thought it was funny to use such snobbery. I've already apologized about a million times in this thread for that and quite a few other mistakes and misjudgments. So most people took it seriously; that was a mistake on my part in how I wrote the piece and though it turned out to be hurtful I never expected it to be taken to heart and so personally. I fully expected to receive much criticism when I wrote "Here's a bit of a VERY rough draft, really more of a treatment of the idea - I'd like to work it up into something pretty big, lengthwise. There's tons of material to cover and this is just a start.

I was curious what people might think about the ideas presented in it - not really looking for a close reading..."

Thanks for sharing your opinion about my free time and your attempt to defend the nice folks out there who, out of no fault of their own, may have been wounded by my very poor choice in words and failure to make clear that what really bothers me is the negligence and ignorance of many fishkeepers which results in inhumane conditions for the fish and doesn't live up to its potential as a fulfilling hobby, creative expression, or much of the tons of other great things an aquarium can be. After all, a container of stressed animals is unlikely to truly be beautiful of any beholder except one totally ignorant or uncaring of the critters' suffering.

And honestly, it never occurred to me that my one post might make all fish keepers look snotty but please, don't lay the blame on me for us looking opinionated. I mean, haven't you noticed how many opinions and debates there are in the threads of Aquariacentral and other online aquarium related communities? We ARE an opinionated bunch, hmmm?

Live and let live is a fine motto. If you can help me find a place in that first posting other than my jabs mistakenly aimed at the entire monster fish community when actually there are many responsible, well informed, and kind fish keepers in it and explain to me who I'm not letting live and what it is I'm saying that's unfair or hurtful I'd be grateful. Just quote the offending bits in your next post to this thread and include a little explantation to help me along so I don't make the same mistake again.

Well, I'm not worried that people might find my tanks ugly. I honestly believe that almost any aquarium put together and kept by a thoughtful, well informed aquarist who really invests a lot of time and care will not be ugly - perhaps it won't be to someone's taste but it will not be ugly. By the way, this discussion about ugly or not is an exchange about aesthetic ideals. You see, aesthetics is not some kind of snobbery. It's a way to understand why things look good or don't look so good and that improves your ability to make things you think look very good. It doesn't have to be absolute; it can be 100% personal just as in "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

I take the hobby very seriously. The problem with my offending post isn't that I was too serious but that I wasn't serious enough about my writing and how it would effect people so it came off totally wrong and hurt feelings. No, I love aquariums, the life they hold, their mini-ecology, the amazing species, how they have helped me grow, their beauty, and too many other things to list. Ye shall reap as ye shall sow. I sow this hobby with my fascination, curiosity, mindfulness, nurturing, compassion, enthusiasm, and love. If when you see all the writing I do on AquariaCentral you may see a gal with too much time on her hands but that is just your imagination helping you jump to a conclusion and I'm sorry if that conclusion is insulting but it really doesn't effect me and merely fills your head with a little bit of ugliness and you deserve better than that. I'll tell you what I see when I look at all I've written: a person who loves and passionately cares about being an aquarist and wants to share.


Seeker of Piscean Wisdom
Apr 10, 2009
San Francisco
Jim's wife here..... This tank is not to be taken seriously.... it was set up purely for my grandson's enjoyment.... he's 2 and squeals and giggles when he looks at it... You are the only one who seems to have "gotten" the concept of my "tacky tank" :y220d: Thanks everyone for your comments.... some have really made me laugh!

In addition.... this tank is a work in progress.... I will be adding more as I find it. If I hold it up, and show it to Jim, and he throws up a little in his mouth, then I know it's the next addition. I also have light up toys.... the volcano and color changing crystal ball are two of them. I will try to get pics up of them with "lights out" sometime.
With that bit of info re. the grandson, your tank makes perfect sense to me and if he squeals and giggles when he looks at it then it totally fits my ideals since you set out with a purpose, made your choices including aesthetic choices, to focus on accomplishing that purpose, and you succeeded perfectly it seems!

As the resident snobby critic, I give you the official "two thumbs up!":woot:


;sup' dog? ;woof and a wwwoof!
Jan 21, 2009


Fishlover Extraordinaire
Dec 11, 2009
Southeastern PA
Real Name
Mr. Palmer
wow... note to self: "do not invite deegeek over to my house. he/she will be ...'annoyed' at my goldfish tank." rest assured they are healthy, active, and apear happy dispite the too-small tank, and they have a pond coming (within 2 years, prob 1)

But really, this thread has been a very nice thread, with a number of ideas.


Seeker of Piscean Wisdom
Apr 10, 2009
San Francisco
wow... note to self: "do not invite deegeek over to my house. he/she will be ...'annoyed' at my goldfish tank." rest assured they are healthy, active, and apear happy dispite the too-small tank, and they have a pond coming (within 2 years, prob 1)

But really, this thread has been a very nice thread, with a number of ideas.
Annoyed? You underestimate me. My team of radical militants, Called "The Holy Keepers of Sacred Fish" would storm your home and forcibly install a beautiful 200 gallon aquarium and transfer your fish into it while holding everyone in your home at gunpoint!

Seriously, if the fish are okay and "happy," then there's no reason to be concerned with overcrowding. It's abominable to me to keep creatures in distress for a hobby. Well, it actually just saddens me a little when I see it but honestly, I'm much more concerned about my own suffering and how to avoid it than the experiences of any fish. I just write a bit too vividly I think.


AC Members
Jun 1, 2007
Lincolnshire, UK
wow... note to self: "do not invite deegeek over to my house. he/she will be ...'annoyed' at my goldfish tank." rest assured they are healthy, active, and apear happy dispite the too-small tank, and they have a pond coming (within 2 years, prob 1)

But really, this thread has been a very nice thread, with a number of ideas.
cruelty to animals is cruelty to animals IMO, keeping potentially 18" fish in a 30g tank is cruel. i dont get annoyed at peoples tanks , i get upset, my friend keeps 2 comets in a 13L starter tank, she is as ignorant as you are and insists they are 'happy and healthy'. your fish will not be healthy living like this, and 2 years is too long for your fish to wait. grow up and rehome them to a decent adequate home sooner rather than later. i agree with deegeek, it is abominable that people should still be housing their fish in totally unsuitable conditions, especially when like you, they know better.
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