HybridHerps 75 Gallon Tank (High Tech Planted Tank, with an assortment of fish)

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AC Members
Jun 8, 2012
New York (Long Island)
A few changes. My leopard Ctenopoma is now living in this tank and doing super well, as well as a nice big fat female super red Bristlenose. Surprisingly added some plants as well, notably Ludwigia Twisted, Ludwigia Cuba, Ludwigia Pantanal, more Ludwigia Atlantis, Ludwigia inclinata, Ludwigia simpsonii x repens, Ludwigia alata, Echinodorus x 'Tanzende feuerfeder', and Echinodorus x 'Altlandsberg'. Moved the Limno rugosa to the front left and trimmed it back hard, hopefully it will grow a little more slowly there and be a little more manegable.

Biggest change was moving the larger piece of driftwood that was on the left out of the tank and removing and replanting the Anubias petite that was on it to the bigger piece of wood still in the tank. I put some on the sides and such (supergluing Anubias petite kinda sucks) so it looks like less than there actually was but I put it all back on there. Hopefully it continues to grow well, even if it’s a slow grower. I also re-organized my crypts in this tank so they are now more in rows than all mixed up (although certain crypts were hard to tell apart, but as they grow that should change hopefully/maybe).

I’m thinking about cleaning up my Hygro species as well, moving Ceylon behind Sunset somewhere. It’s a nice plant and all but its way to weedy for where I currently have it….plus I can’t let it get too tall there so it doesn’t get the color it could otherwise have, which is its main draw. I also want to maybe thin out how much Sunset and Brown is actually in this tank too, because man are my hygro’s thick. They make me wish I had a bigger tank lol.

Despite all the competition the Rose Sword has been doing well. The Altlandsberg has been converting from emersed very nicely.

Metallic Red crypt is new so it looks bleh. But the green gecko is pretty still lol

Altandsberg converting. Swords cultivars and hybrids don’t seem to be super popular in tanks these days, maybe due to their size plus how many people are running high tech tanks and want to have big ol’ swords in them? I still love them though.

Tanzende feuerfeder, I’m expecting good things from this plant, its growing faster than the other swords I have. Might end up being my favorite of the 4 swords I have (can I consider that a Legend of Zelda reference?)

So the Lagenandra is becoming more pink each leaf it puts out, and each leaf is getting bigger, but each bigger leaf is getting what I believe to be Pleco damage or something…ugh, plant, why you grow pretty leafs that I have to cut later on?

Big super red female. She’s not the culprit since that issue has been happening since before she was in the tank.

I need to think these Rotalas. Especially the nanjensha, its nice and all but I don’t need even half of this amount in this tank. I am going to get some Macrandra Green before the summers end, so that will probably replace some of this.

See what I was saying about the Ceylon?

A.R. variegated is recovering steadily for me, so that’s good. Its been doing much better once I increased my dosing (I may need to increase it more even, not sure). I do 2/4 tsp KNO3 3x a week, 3/8 tsp KH2PO4 3x a week, 3/8 tsp K2SO4 3x a week for macro, and 3/8 tsp traces 3x a week and 3/8 tsp iron 3x a week. Also 1 tbsp GH Booster after water changes. I may continue to modify this though.

This stuff was nothing but a stem not that long ago, its recovering in here. Somehow A.R. grows better in my bichirs and cichlids and whatareyoudoing tank than it does in my 10 gallon “this is how you should be doing it” tank.

Part of me wants to thin this, part of me thinks its too nice looking. The lace leaf is still doing nicely as well, and you can see how not great the A. petite looks on the wood. It will grow over the superglue…eventually.

Tiny alata is tiny.

I moved the pink up front and with space so that it could grow out more. I’m thinking it will be a real looker of a plant in time.

Simpsonii x repens still converting. It did send out some nice big roots though so I’m confident it will do well.

Also converting Persecaria praetermissa 'Ruby’ that seems to be doing well. I might grab Sao Paulo sometime. Might not. (shrug)

Not a shy fish, just camera shy. Always out and about despite being half the size of most of the cichlids.

Subwassertang should grow for me, I miss having this plant.

A better look at the Ludwigia forest. Some stuff for sure has a lot of growing out to do, but its been a day since I added some of these/moved everything around. I also want to add Red sphaerocarpa (I got some from barthog but it didn’t do so well waiting two days for me to plant it *sigh*) and am going to get some Palustris ‘North Carolina’ semi-soonish as well.

He’s gotten big. He is also one excellent looking fish. I am realling loving the EBA, now I’m only wishing my phone caught the brightness more and that my lights weren’t more geared towards red. I want to get a 10,000K Plant grow BML fixture for the front of this tank at some point when money is a thing that exists for me in greater forms though, cause I think my foreground gets a little shaded. And I’d want the 10,000K since I hear the color balance is very nice, but I’m still looking into it and still have plenty of time to decide on that.


"That guy"
Aug 16, 2010
Northern Arizona, USA.
Real Name
Look at that big boss in the last pic, haha. Great stuff!!!


AC Members
Jun 8, 2012
New York (Long Island)
Look at that big boss in the last pic, haha. Great stuff!!!
It's honestly quite possible that I'm the only person in the states with one in a high tech planted tank. EBA are one of my new favorite cichlids by far.

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Wow, you have a lot of plant varieties I've never seen. I guess my plant club collector types need to step up on some of those. Tank looks great! Love the JD & congos!


AC Members
Jun 8, 2012
New York (Long Island)
Is it sad that I still have more plants I want to add? Although my list of things I can fit into this tank is getting very, very small lol

I need like, a 180 to plant high tech or something :p And then I could have even MORE fish....it'd be a win win :p (one day)


AC Members
Jun 8, 2012
New York (Long Island)
Not sad at all! I too have "plant collectoritis" but for lower tech (I want every crypt possible, lol). I think another tank is always good!
Crypts are fantastic plants, I have a bunch. I want flamingo next at some point though, and for the ones I have to multiply.

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AC Members
Jun 8, 2012
New York (Long Island)
Uh oh, flamingo? Another new 1 I want! Darn you! lol, too many new namesl. If you get it, I'll need pics please!
Of course :p
I'm getting a plant today actually assuming the lfs still has it.

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