Post pics of your 10-20 gallon tanks!!!

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Coral Keeper

AC Members
Aug 24, 2007
West Sacramento, CA
Post pics of your 10-20 gallon tanks!!! No bigger than 20 gallons. My tank isent ready so i wont post pics of my tank yet.


AC Members
Aug 30, 2007
It's not ready yet but what the hey. I've already changed the tank since then by adding more of the grass and moving the sword ahead behind the larger rock as well as trying some other grass. I can't remember the names but they're a higher light requirement plant that I'm seeing if it will grow and has so far. Please excuse the blurry photography. I call it artistic license. 6 serpae tetras and a pleco with live misc. plants. Soon to have some more friends to swim with and plants to swim in when I make up my mind.


Coral Keeper

AC Members
Aug 24, 2007
West Sacramento, CA
Nice tank!! Can everyone plz tell everyone how many gallons it is and what kind of lights your using and what kid of plants, fish, and inverts do you have. Thanks!!


AC Members
Aug 30, 2007
Sorry about that, I have just a simple 20 watt gro-lux wide spec from the local building supply. It isn't the best light but I kind of like the yellowish glow and it seems to make my tetra's look better. I'm in the process of figuring out how to get a second smaller light-strip into my hood to up the wattage and possibly add some higher K's to it. Gonna shop around at the local stores and see what there is cheaper than the pet stores.


AC Members
Jul 10, 2007
here are my 20 and 10:
10 full tank:

oto in java fern in 10:

light: 2x 10W cf unknown k rating, works really well though
diy co2
fish: 2 red platies, 1 yellow, one blueish, 2 blue guppies raised from fry from a friend, 1 mystery snail 1 oto
plants: anacharis, java moss, java fern, corkscrew val

20 full tank:

borelli's dwarf cichlid:

von rio tetra:


oto trio (tom **** & harry):

last, ghost shrimp:

light: 2 x 23W 6500K cf bulbs
hagen utrafin co2 system
ferts: kent botanica every once in a while
plants: anubias nana, java moss, anacharis, a little java fern, judwigia repens, melon sword, that one plant i can never remember the name of, in the back left corer, and i think broad leaf ludwigia, and one other i dont know the name of
fish: 6 rasboras (a few heteromorpha a few harlequin), 3 orange von rio tetras, 3 otos, 1 BORELLI'S DWARF CICHILD (favorite in the tank), 2 chrry shrimp (i think they're not dead...haven't seen them in a bit), 2 ghost shrimp, 1 amano shrimp

there they are!
Last edited:


FI double SH ROD
Aug 18, 2005
Pompano Beach,Fl.
Real Name
My little buddy in his 10



Rich Hobo
Jul 30, 2007
Hawaii / Wisconsin

^ 10 gal Cherry shrimp tank. 20 or so in there, as well as a mayfly larvae, and 1 white cloud. haven't cleaned it in a little while cause i didn't wanna disturb the 4 egg-carrying shrimp in there. Lit with a reading lamp with one of those 4-tube 6500k fluorescent. growing various ludwigias, limnophila aromatica, java fern, floating java moss square, and whatever that stuff on the far right is.

^ My somewhat neglected 10 gal tank in terms of decorating. my gouramis used to be in here with that golden algae eater. gae is still there cause i was given a huge cae that is with my gouramis now in a pic below. Now it has the gae, crowntail betta, 4 white clouds, 4 cherry shrimp, MTS, and several pond snails still lingering around. Lit with an AGA hood with whatever bulb came with it. Growing java moss and hornwort, and 2 fake broad leaf plants.

^ 10 gal, half full of java moss, some tied onto a piece of driftwood. was meant to just grow java moss, but then my red velvet swordtail popped out 18 surviving fry, so they went in here where its all nice for them. lit with a spiral compact fluorescent in an incandescent hood. just growing a monster of java moss.

^ 20 gal long. 3 moonlight gouramis, massive cae, 24 white clouds, 1 lyretail black molly, 1 longfin blue danio, and for the heck of it, 1 cherry shrimp. Lit with a walmart shoplight with 2 24" GE fresh & saltwater 9325k fluorescent tubes sitting on a glass top. growing a java moss mat, bacopa carolinia, dwarf sag being revived after taking a beating in shipping, and something unidentified.