Tips on breeding gourami

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AC Members
Nov 27, 2002
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I have 2 females and a male three-spot gourami in my 55g tank right now and I think it's about time to breed them. I know it should be fairly simple but I'm just looking for some tips.

I know they like to spawn in floating plants and since I don't have any right now I'm wondering what would be a good spawn site. If it matters, I have around 1.45 watts per gallon and CO2 at about 15 ppm. I would like to put them in a 10 gallon breeding tank. Would that be big enough? That's the only tank I have available so if that's too small would the regular tank work somehow?

BTW is it normal for your females to harrass your male? Both females seem to bully him a lot and he ends up hiding in the plants a good portion of the day. He doesn't seem to stressed but I'm just curious.


occasional user
Aug 17, 2002
There are some VERY good articles on the web about breeding these. They are very simple. However, you will have to pick one of the females to put with the male, into the smaller tank. I have bred dwarfs in a 10, but usually use a 20L for trichogasters, although it might work. You will need some floating plants, as you stated, and you can either greatly reduce your filter flow or turn it off alltogether (as they breathe from the surface). Crank the temp to about 80F, and put the mating pair together. After the eggs are laid, the male will often bully the female to the point of bloody, and you will have to put her back in the community tank. The male will do all the caretaking from here. It is extremely important to avoid temp fluctuations at the surface of the water, so make sure your top is very tight. A cooler surface temp is the leading cause of death of the fry.

As for the bullying, I don't know. Perhaps they are 'ganging up' or just vying for his attention. In any case, I would pick the one with the fattest belly to breed.

Type 'breeding gouramies' into a search engine and see what comes up.
good luck


AC Members
Jul 23, 2001
Thessaloniki, Greece
Feed them well for a couple of week and afterwards put them in the breeding tank. You will have to use floating plants or an inverted cap that the male will use to blow its bubbles. Soft water propably is necessary unless you live in an area with naturaly soft water. For a cheap solution by some RO water from the local super market.
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