10 Algae Busting Tips

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2009 VMAX
Jul 6, 2002
Hope this will help many with the battle against algae!
Here's the link from Dr. Foster & Smith...

Link: 10 Tips.....


AC Members
Dec 24, 2003
Visit site

That top 10 is for aquaria in general, some of the methods are not suited for a planted tank. For instance carbon and phosphate removing resin will starve plants of nutrients as well.

For a planted tank:
#1 should be to keep enough plants to outcompete the algae.
#2 correct amount/duration of light.
#3 keep the plants fed/healthy so they can outcompete the algae.

They also don't mention SAE under algae eaters, SAE should be the first addition to any algae eating crew for 20+ gal. I've not tried ammano shrimp (I have angels), but I get the impression they are second only to SAE, and can be used in the smallest of tanks.


2009 VMAX
Jul 6, 2002
Yes, SAE's should have been mentioned. They do a good job!

I'm glad to see this as a "sticky post" ..

Hope it helped out many people.



AC Members
Sep 22, 2004

Hi Len I see by the guide it appears to be brown algae & say's may be caused from not enough light or excess of silicates ..... I have sufficient light 12-13 hrs per day ... I don't know about silicates, thats a new one to me.... One thing I should say is the algae in my tank isnt on the glass or rocks in fact it is only on one species of plant ... Don't know its name but it has a single stem with up to 2" leaves sprouting all the way up, 8"-10" high. These plants it seems are the only ones with the brown algae :eek: does this make sense to any algae experts haha.


Registered Member
Dec 8, 2004
Anyone have any suggestions on a good plant that my plecos won't eat? Seems they are leaving my newly sprouted lilies alone (so far) but my jungle vine (so-called) is being eaten out of my tank by my two small plecos. I'd like to trade out my plastic plants for real plants as I think they look more natural and beautiful.


AC Members
Jul 4, 2004
Algae Bloom - what to do?

Tank Conditions:
Tank 20 gals – long 30” x 12” x 12”
PH : 7.2
Co2 = 8
Ammonia: 0.0 mg/l
NitrIte: 0
NitrAte: .05
Hardness: (GH): 25 ppm
Akalinity (KH): 250 ppm
Filter: Penguin 170 Bio Wheel Power Filter
Co2 System
Light: SmartPac 65W (blue / white light)
1 Aerator
Substrate: Floral Base
Heater: Temp in tank 72-74 degrees
1 Rock Cave and 1 fake Driftwood, 1 lava rock
8 neon tetras
1 male / 2 Female Black Phantom Tetras
2 male fancy Phantom Tetras
1 silver hatchet Tetra
3 UPD Catfish
Several regular snails and some spiral snails
2 Cory Cats
1 - 4 Amano Shrimp
1 Bristlenose Cat
Artificial Plants: Various silk plants
Live Plants: 7 Java Plants and 1 Banana Plant

I believe I have algae bloom as my water has a green tinge to it. I have about every bottom fish known to man and a few Amano shrimp. I run my lights for 12 hours a day (they are on a timer) and I do weekly water changes, but within 3 days the water is cloudy and green again.

Is there something else I can do? Since I have put the Flora Base in my tank, I have had nothing but troubles. All my tests are perfectly balanced, and I even changed my filter thinking that it wasn't working properly. The fish seem ok, I just get tired of seeing an icky tank.

Can someone help me?




AC Members
Nov 12, 2004
I'm packing my bags now for return to the moon!
Since about November I guess now I've been a doin all sorts of witchcraft methods, most everything suggested within this forum and others to no avail. My fish seem happy but the feeding attendants are not. Tonight was one of the many water changes but the most @ 50% of a 55 gallon tank.

ANNNND Look what I found via 1 of the links mentioned above = some more things for me to try as well.
Quoted from the "Geek's" site:

Green water:
Green unicellular algae will sometimes reproduce so rapidly that the water will turn green.
This is commonly called an "algae bloom" and is usually caused by too much light like direct sunlight.
An algae bloom can be removed by filtering with micron cartridges or diatom filters.
UV sterilizers can prevent the bloom in the first place.
Green water is very useful in the raising of daphnia and brine shrimp.
Film algae Grows on the aquarium glass and forms a thin haze.
Easily removed by wiping the glass.
Considered normal with the higher light levels needed for good plant growth.

Community tank will Look just as bad from the MOOOOOOOOooooon!
Tally Hoooooo!
Last edited:


AC Members
Apr 2, 2005
Hi everyone! Check, your tank is out of balance. Also, you will need to replace that Smartpaq with a daylight bulb. I use the sunpaq 6700k/10000k. With 65 watts of light over a 20g you need ferts and co2. Keep co2 above 30 ppm, and shoot for 10ppm nitrate(KNO3), 1ppm phosphate(KH2PO4), 20ppm potassium (K2SO4) and dose traces(Flourish) and your tank will explode with growth. You can get these from Greg Watson.com for cheap, and use Tom Barr's estimative index to find out how much to dose. For now you can try a 3-5 day blackout to kill some of the algae.


AC Members
Sep 22, 2004
Good Info Thanks :)