Brown Knife and lil' Chiclids

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AC Members
Sep 6, 2004
Seattle, Wa. USA
This is posted in the main and newbie forums as well.....I have a thirty gal with a 4 inch palmas bichir, one three inch electric blue cichlid, two 1 & 1/2 inch marmalade cichlids, 2 two inch beaufort botia (chameleon loaches), a four inch brown knife, three inch albino rainbow shark and a one inch common pleco. I am planning on moving out after X-mas and upgrading to a ninty gal, do you think I should move any of these critters into my twenty gallon with three cories and (now two) swordtails? or should i just buy another thirty gallon for the cichlids? I have some driftwood in there for the ph (and my tiny pleco) and lots of plants and two caves, as well as a pvc tube for the knife. I have heard conflicting info on knives and cichlids in the same tank, so I am thinking of moving the cichlids or giving them to my friend who has a 60 gal convict tank, but they are still tiny- arrgg I am frustrated! what do ya'll think?


AC Members
Feb 17, 2004
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what are you worried about? the ghost knife eating your other fish or the cichlids killing the GK? Don't worry about the GK eating the cichlids...yet. as far as the cichlids killing the GK, i had cichlids and a clown knife together with no probs.

what are you feeding your Gk because I fed my CK feeders and thats how he died, bad sushi. I'd be more worried about that.

I hope i helped you out, not quite sure what you were asking.


AC Members
Sep 6, 2004
Seattle, Wa. USA
i was worried about the GK...i hear the browns are peaceful and larger cichlids like oscars and jacks can pick on them too much. However, I think I may just end up starting a 55/60 gallon african tank with the three that I have, plus maybe my pleco. I will keep the bichir in with the beauforts although they are nippy, i dont think they stress out the palmas. I would like to get some more fiesty botias for my big project this january...a ninty gallon at least, if all goes well a 120. I like cichlids alot but the larger types i hear are too aggresive for the polypterus...i dont want him to get beat up. As for now, these youn'uns are thriving in the 30 gallon but i feel it is a bit overcrowded so i have to figure out where to set up another tank, probably next week when i get some more moo-la....
thanks for the advice
oh yeah, i feed them night crawlers, cut up mealworms, hikari algae wafers, cichlid bites, tetra flakes, and fresh zuchinni....the feeder gups at my petsmart are always dead like fourty deep in their sales tank- YUCK!!!!
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Popeye, my 15" Giant Gourami! :-)
Oct 3, 2004
it seems like most of what I've read online says that the best way to keep your fish happy and healthy is to feed them a varied diet that includes foods high in vitamins C and D. You seem to have that part covered pretty well. I would guess the reason our friend who posted the other reply here lost his fish is because he only fed his fish feeders, which have almost zero nutritional value.

As far as keeping the Brown knife with your other fish, it sounds like the knife is the larger of the fish, and as long as it stays that way, all should be fine. The Brown knife can get very large and should be able to hold his own against the larger Cichlids, but I would keep an eye on all of them. One way to keep the peace is to give each fish a spot that suits them to claim as territory. It sounds like you have a good start on that, though I would be tempted to provide more natural cover for the knife. I know they say you can use PVC pipe, but even though the knife is almost blind, the other fish in the tank are not. They might mess with him if they see him in there. However, steer clear of ceramic ornaments like tree stumps and caves, since they have little crevices underneath that are long enough for the knife to get stuck in (I lost a Black Ghost that way! He got wedged in there during the night and thrashed until his skin was gone....I was devastated).


AC Members
Jan 19, 2010

the brown knife is not almost blind. they have very good vision. there eyes are set up for night low light. there temperament is very shy and will get bullied around by aggressive fish and will not defend themselves well at all. i have semi aggressive fish and he dosent defend his hiding spot at all. lets other fish chase him out and he runs like a little bich. he will probly get demolished with your others when they get larger.



AC Members
Sep 8, 2009
Memphis, TN
Just make sure you have a good hiding spot for the BK and keep the PH at about 7.5 -7.7 cause I had one with my africans and no problem exept the Ph stayed on the high end of 8.0 -8.2 and it drowned out the BK