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AC Members
Dec 8, 2002
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Hi all. I have a 29 gallon planted tank that I am thinking about converting over to a cichlid tank with 3-4 Labdichromus. I have a friend who has been raising fry for a while now and the current batch are about 1” in length. My only problem is my current fish. I have red tail shark that I cannot get rid of! No LFS are willing to take him and I hate to part with him. He has been a total terror to any other fish that I have put in there. I have had him for almost 3 years now. Do you think the labs will be compatible with the red tail shark? Do you think the shark will be able to stand the high GH and pH necessary for the labs? I have a hunch that the labs should be able to take care of themselves. I do have a nice 55 gallon planted tank full of tetras that I would hate to turn the shark loose on. Any comments?


AC Members
Apr 18, 2001
Edmonton, AB
I wouldn't add yellow labs to a planted tank. They will shred/eat your plants. in my experiences even java ferns aren't safe from mbuna. So if you value your plants i wouldn't add the labs.

As for your shark, we wont' be able to give you an answer as to whether he would do ok with yellow labs or not. Even though yellow labs are more aggresive then most community type fish they aren't always the toughest. They may get beaten up since you are getting them so small and you say this shark has picked on fish before. Adult fish may fair better but you won't know for sure untill you try. If the yellows get picked on take them back to your friends or try and get rid of the shark.


Charlie and Amanda's Daddy
Dec 21, 2001
Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, Canada
Red tail sharks cannot live in high ph water.

The like the ph from 6.5 to about 7.5 - 7.6 much too low to properly keep africans.

As for the aggression factor. My old red tail was the BOSS. He was the sheriff in the tank and none of my cichlids (new world) bothered him at all.
Everybody gave him wide berth. He was like a tank. At least 1 inch thick and about 5 inches long.
He was by far my favorite and died last year at the ripe old age of seven. Even when he started to get on in years. He would make sure to take a pot shot or two at a random cichlid just so they knew that he was still the man.

I would try the stores again. Give it to them. Tell them that if they can't/won't take it you'll have to kill it. Make up some sob story, anything so they will feel sorry for the fish and take it.