need help, anemone not doing to good

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AC Members
May 10, 2006
I have an anemone that is not doing too good. I took him out of the tank yesterday, decided to put him by himself to see if I couldn't get him going somehow. First I found it hard to feed him because he always wanted to be upside down or in another ackward feeding position. And to be honest I am not real sure how to feed these creatures. I have another anemone that does great. He is in a great position to feed and takes it in. This one does not. Temp is 80; Salinity is .1265; ph 8.2; ammonia was 0 then yesterday it is now .25; nitrite is 0; nitrates were extremely high, but managed to get them down to 20 as of yesterday, so a couple of more water changes should get them to 0.

The anemone is all shriveled up. Does not blow up like he did when first put in tank. I have him in a large measuring cup now with live sand, rock, small heater, and air bubbles that I have pinched off so as not to get too much. Additionally, he is sitting I have this light that is actually used for people with SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder that I turn on during the day, and at night nothing. Should I add something to this water? Any ideas? Thank you for your help.


AC Members
Nov 29, 2005
it looks like it's on the way out. when anemone is sick u have to move it into a higher light area and feed. additions of vitamin C is helpful. it's possible that the anemone was improperly handled and damaged before u got it and it just took a while to show.


It's me
Jan 26, 2004
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I'd have to agree I'd also strongly encourage you to put it back into the main tank and keep a close eye on it. If it has any holes in it's body or develops any hole remove it immedatly. How old is your tank ?how much live rock do you have? what kind of anems do you have ? What sort of substraight. If you'd answer a few of these questions it would really help with a diagnosis.


Molecular Cell Biology Major
Feb 24, 2006
San Diego, CA
I would say put it back in the tank. Sometimes they do shrivel up and then spread back out. You should be feeding it some sort of invertebrate food such as larger sized zooplankton. It doesn't necessarily need to "swallow" it, it just needs to have it target fed to it's tentacles and mouth.


It's me
Jan 26, 2004
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Most of the time when they shrivel up they're only having a b.m. Please, don't panic when your anem does weird things or attempt to help them. About all you can do for them is feed them a little more and make sure your lights are in good shape.


AC Members
Jul 3, 2007
San Luis Obispo
I know this thread is a year old, but how did everything work out???

My BTA anemone has been shriveled up for about two days now... I have had it for about 1.5 weeks and it has been looking good since...

I feed it small pieces of scallops... is that not good? thats what my LFS said to feed it...

Could my clown be irritating it?? He always tries to cuddle with it, even when it is all shriveled up...

What is going on?

Here is a pic of it..

two days ago it looked like this:


Crazy Crab Man
Sep 20, 2007
in my experience when the mouth begins to remain open like that it means they are well on their way to dead. how often have u been feeding it, and what kind of lighting are u running? the clown isnt bothering it, matter of fact they help "calm" the anemone and help it adjust to the changes. i feed mine silversides about once evry three to four days. the clown always shares his food with it too, so its very well fed.


AC Members
Jul 3, 2007
San Luis Obispo
its a bta

well the anemone is doing just fine!

he finished excreting some stuff (slimy) and then he opened right up!! he was just constipated i guess.... either that or he didn't really like his place, so he has since moved on to the other side of the rock he was on... hes like wedged between the back glass and a rock... he was there before, but i moved him to the front of the tank earlier because my clown loves it so much that when it is behind the rock, my clown goes with it and i can't see it...

but the BTA has moved back to the back glass (where it was before) so i guess he just really likes it back there..

what happens if it goes too low to get good lighting?? will it move itself or do i need to intervene....