120g stocking

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AC Members
Jun 24, 2012
Hey all, I have been into cichlids and mostly larger monster type fish for many years now. I want to go back to my roots and create a community with lots of action and color and fun and interesting to watch.
I am currently towards the end of my cycle and I am not going to rush out and stock the tank heavily.
Currently I have:

2x silver mollys ( perfectly happy and healthy )
1x White cloud minnow ( it was free, seems pretty content. I want to get him some friends)
1x small grey male guppy? do endler fry start grey? I think it may be an endler it has no color whatsoever right now, its very small.
1x very tiny molly fry ( i got about 4 of these for free and some of them didn`t make it.
a medium sized anubias.

I am happy to not stock anything for a while longer as I want to make sure everything is stable before I start adding.

a week ago I bought a 175gal rated cannister filter and added some home made pads and bio media to maximize the efficiency, so I am not worried about water quality too much, I will be doing 20% or so water changes weekly with probably one top up inbetween because the low humidity where I live makes the water evaporate extremely quickly. I also have a 7.5k red spectrum LED for growing low-med level plants, I only really want to use the low level stuff like anubias and java fern because I have never had too much luck with plants.

Heres what I would like but I`m asking for suggestions from you guys to help me pick compatible fish :)

Upper level:
Pearl/moonlight gourami - open to suggestions
Harlequin rasboras, or another higher level schooling fish

mid level
Endlers perhaps or another group of live bearers. I have no problem with keeping endlers and guppies together I have no plan on selling fry.
Neon tetras

low level
shrimp of some kind,
possibly otocinclus or clown pleco
freshwater goby, Stiphodon atropurpureus
Rainbow shark/ red tail shark. (would they be compatible with ghost shrimp? my girlfriend really loves them)
I wanted to have loaches, but I`m thinking they would eat the shrimp so possible corydoras? any suggestions?

thats just a basic Idea of some fish that I like but obviously there will have to be several schooling species and it would be nice to have some oddballs here or there. I am not a fan of one large group of fish, I would rather have several medium sized groups of compatible species.

Thanks all, Rafini


Eheim User
Feb 9, 2005
Medina, Ohio
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Tank dimensions?