2 Discus Not Eating & are Sluggish also

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I'm sorry you had to euthanize the 1 discus but at least you were able to help the other. I agree on treating the tank, they probably all have whatever it is. Good luck.


AC Members
Aug 6, 2006
Prazi will help them expell tapeworms which are more string-like.Hex is more jelly -like and is common when a Discus get stressed out for whatever reason and stops eating.
Some fish will have a harder or even cronic problem with Hex even if they are getting a good balanced diet..It may take a long time before they get to the not eating stage.Look at the foreheads if you see pinholes or holes in the heads treat them all with hex.The metro only is active for 8 hours so what you can do is lower the water level to 1/3-1/2 at night(if the filter allows it) then in the morning siphon out the debris on the bottom and fill the tank.Repeat 3-4 days,then it may take the fish another 2-3 days to start eating again.


AC Members
Jan 14, 2009
new windsor, ny
Prazi will help them expell tapeworms which are more string-like.Hex is more jelly -like and is common when a Discus get stressed out for whatever reason and stops eating.
Some fish will have a harder or even cronic problem with Hex even if they are getting a good balanced diet..It may take a long time before they get to the not eating stage.Look at the foreheads if you see pinholes or holes in the heads treat them all with hex.The metro only is active for 8 hours so what you can do is lower the water level to 1/3-1/2 at night(if the filter allows it) then in the morning siphon out the debris on the bottom and fill the tank.Repeat 3-4 days,then it may take the fish another 2-3 days to start eating again.
I know I won't get fast results. today is 1st treatment with metro. It says tho to do partial w/c then treat every 24hrs. up to 5-7days. but says if don't see improvement in 3days to stop.

right now the one discus that was not eating is now eating.

the one I QT but released into tank after seeing its poop darker light brown had eaten in QT but not in the main tank. spits out the flakes & hasn't taken to the freeze dried bloodworms yet. but pecks at the driftwood & sponge filter. I'm still hoping this will recover.

otherwise all others eating well. but surely they are all carriers. I saw a couple of floating white strands of poop but now sure which ones did it.

after I get thru the metro treatment then will use pure prazi-q next.

thks again


AC Members
Jan 14, 2009
new windsor, ny
Prazi will help them expell tapeworms which are more string-like.Hex is more jelly -like and is common when a Discus get stressed out for whatever reason and stops eating.
Some fish will have a harder or even cronic problem with Hex even if they are getting a good balanced diet..It may take a long time before they get to the not eating stage.Look at the foreheads if you see pinholes or holes in the heads treat them all with hex.The metro only is active for 8 hours so what you can do is lower the water level to 1/3-1/2 at night(if the filter allows it) then in the morning siphon out the debris on the bottom and fill the tank.Repeat 3-4 days,then it may take the fish another 2-3 days to start eating again.
hi there, I treated 5 of 7 days pure metro since last friday, last treatment was past thurs.

I think I have a good turn to the positive finally. all the discus are eating including the stunted one I QT. in fact it now participates in the chasing around & be chased folly that's been going on with all the discus.

but in my other thread I now am contending with what I think may be "tail rot", what looks like white smearing in some tail finnage, some caudal fins, some splitting.

some think maybe from stress from changing using meds, one thinks from their chasing each other around & nipping.

latest tests are:

pH 7.2 (due to local water tap having extra buffers so pH went to 8.8)
AM=0 (was .125)
NA=5 (same as prior reading)

thx again for your feedback
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