29 Gallon Stocking

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Registered Member
Oct 8, 2015
Hey guys! I'm new to these forums, and quite new to aquariums. I'm looking to set up a 29 Gallon planted tank, and need sme advise on stocking. My aquarium has been cycling without fish for a month now. I've been fiddling around on Aqadvisor and researching a lot, and I've come to a lot of personal opinions and clashing advise. The filter is currently a simple Tetra Whisper 30, but am going to upgrade to an AquaClear 110 soon. I am also going to more densely plant the tank.

How do I go about doing that? Would I have to start my fishless cycle all over again after adding plants? Would i just add the plants and new filter and run both filters at the same time fo awhile?

Anyways, on to stocking, the current list my GF and I have come up with is as follows, nothing but the kuhli loaches set in stone:

Kuhli Loach x5
Zebra Danio x6 (My schooling pick)
Glass Catfish x6 (My GF's schooling pick) Too large perhaps?
Dwarf Gourami x2 (Male and Female pair)

I also like Harlequin Rasboras, but my GF isn't sold on them as the other school with the Danios. She also likes Select species of Tetra (Not cardinal or neon, too overused i guess) as an alternative to the glass catfish. We are also looking at a pair of german Blue Rams as an alternative to the Dwarf Gourami pair.

Putting this into Aqadvisor says that we are at 109% or 106% stocking level, depending on gourami or ram pair, and I don't understand why or how, and don't really trust it to be that accurate. I'm looking at some feedback on how heavily Kuhli loaches are truly weighed in a tank, because they seem to be eating up a huge chunk of our stocking level. I understand that we sould be around 80-85% or so for our first tank.

TLDR: Will the current stock be a problem for beginners? How do I go about adding new plants and replacing the current filter? What are some other good schools of 6 (aqadvisor says schools of 5, everybody else says schools of 6) that we may have missed?

Thank you and sorry for the long post!


Josh Holloway--Be mine!!!
Sep 1, 2003
Calif. SF Bay area
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I really do not think Kuhli loachs add much to a BIO Load. There are many kinds of Glaas Catfish, which species are you "planning" on getting? I think you ideas are OK, but IMO Zebras do not mix well with slower fishes (Gouramis, Rams, ect.).

sumthin fishy

I eat spam
Aug 22, 2005
central california
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How are you cycling? Are you dosing ammonia and testing for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate? If so, once you are cycled I would add the fish, then more plants. This would just be to easily monitor the levels of the cycle since plants will uptake some of them. Once you are there, you would want to add the new filter and run it for a while with the old filter. Or if it fits, you could just take the old media out of the existing filter and use it in the new one. The media is where a large part of your beneficial bacteria live. Another option would be to run both filters if it doesn't seem like too much current. That way you always have a backup if one fails.

I don't much like aquavisor, but that's just me. I think the stock list is ok. Personally I don't like to mix schools of similar fish in a small tank (danios and tetras for example) but that's my opinion only based on aesthetics. I would rather pick one type of schooler and get more of them. A lot of opinions are not hard fact. So don't be too dissuaded by them.


Registered Member
Oct 8, 2015
I am dosing with Ammonia and checking my water frequently. It seem to be staying exactly where it needs to be, I just need to finalize my fish. We went out and purchased 3 of our Kuhli Loaches yesterday, and they are doing just fine in the tank. Tested water levels this morning and no spike.

After quite a bit of discussion and butting heads about fish, we have decided to go a different route. We probably won't be adding a centerpiece fish, at least not for a long time, due to not wating to spend the extra money on a more difficult fish that we could potentially kill very easily. We also found some cool fish at our LFS that we are now considering. Our new stock list is:

Kuhli Loach x5
Threadfin Rainbowfish x6 (We weren't looking at rainbowfish because I had read they get quite large, but these beauties only grow to 2")
Some form of Tetra (Black Phantom or Skirt, Cardinal, or Black Neon) x6
Harlequin Rasbora x6

Now I know, we have 3 different schooling fish, but is that going to be a problem if we go with it? From our research, we have 2 species that prefer the top/mid sections of the tank, and 1 that prefers just the mid or mid/bottom section. Will they be competing for territory? Is 3 schools/shoals a bad idea? We just want a variety of fish.


Josh Holloway--Be mine!!!
Sep 1, 2003
Calif. SF Bay area
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Me personally, I like 1 schooling speices per 15-20 gals. So in your tank I thing two is enough. Too many species (to me) looks too disorganized.

IMO, with the threadfins being "sleek", I would get Black Phantoms. Different shape and color.


Global Moderator
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Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
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I wouldn't do an AC110 on a 29g, especially if you want plants. That would be a ton of water movement. All I run on my 29g is two ebay suction-cup sponge bubbler filters and an AC30. I keep 6 hatchets, 7 celestial pearl danios, 6 julii corys and an angel fish for a center piece fish. Lots of activity at all levels in this tank.


AC Members
Jun 15, 2011
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Brian C
I agree with Freshy, AC 110 is way to big for your tank, I have one on my 75 gallon and it moves a alot of water. I would recommended an AC 50 instead