30 Gallon Cube - High Tech Planted (Photo /Video Journal)

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Raithan Ellis

I'm only crabby due to lack of beer
Jan 24, 2002
Day 35: Wednesday, November 29th, 2012
I've gotten a bit lazy updating this blog, but it's time for a quick and dirty update. Stopped using pre-made fertilizers a few weeks ago and bought a ton of dy fertilizers for use, including Miller's Microplex, so I'm mixing my own batches. Drained the tank 99% of the way down, deep into the substrate, rinsed, replanted completely and refilled. Pulled tons of plants and shipped them out for RAOK, and moved most all of the Hygrophilia difformis to a 75 gallon tank with some Endler's Livebearers. White Cloud Minnows were pulled and moved to one of several other new tanks, replaced them with some green and blue IFGA quality guppies (already dumping fry) from a semi-local breeder, also tossed in some cherry shrimp. pH is keeping stable around 6.7-6.8 during photoperiods, water changes are 50% as I feel necessary... 7-10 days. Noted a little bit of green spot algae forming on the glass and the occasional bit of Glossostigma and Microswords, think that is figured out. Had a batch of GHA come in on some new plants, put it in without a second thought and it spread a bit, but upping the CO2 and double dosing Excel daily made quick work of that.

