37g issues and stock

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AC Members
Dec 11, 2011
Blairstown, New Jersey
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IPhone 14 Pro Max
I been have so much bad luck.. First I noticed my 5 yr old angel was having seizures, ramming into the glass and jumping.. and then noticed she had Camallanus Worm.. I ended up putting her down due to her other issues which upset me. But I do have Levamisole to treat my remaining fish from in the 37. Before treating, I'm removing all decor, plants and sand... Bleaching my rocks, but tossing the driftwood and plants. Well guess I can redo the whole tank in a few weeks and think of a new stock list.

Current stock:
5 Kuhli Loaches
2 SA Bumblebee Cats
2 Discus (someone may buy them off me in a few weeks)
1 Angel (rehoming)
3 Silver Hatchets (also will rehome)
1 Male betta (putting in another tank)

Going to do a Ram community which may look better. Done with angels for awhile. While I'm treating my tank for the worms, I'm going to be buying and ordering plants, driftwood, a glass top and a Strip Light to be better for growing plants. I have a set plan on what I'm going to do with my tank.

The stock I'm thinking of doing:
4 rams (GBR and EBR)
5-7 Kuhli Loaches
2-4 SA Bumblebee Catfish
6-10 Tiger Barbs (I know they get large and can be nippy to fish with long fins)

What do you guys think? I like the Tiger Barbs.. and would add movement to my tank and can handle the temps for the rams.


Fishlover Extraordinaire
Dec 11, 2009
Southeastern PA
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Mr. Palmer
Ok, going to start with this... your current stock is WAY over the limit of a 37gal tank. Just sayin, discuss shouldn't be anything smaller than 60 gallons LONG and should be in schools of 4-5 or more. Angels and GBRs can have conlicts with each other, and angels are actually a semi-aggressive fish an so shouldn't be in a peaceful tank if it can be helped. The Rams should really be the only large fish in the tank due to their generally shy nature.

Moving on to your new stock: Overstocked again. First off, the Tiger Barbs are a no-no with Rams, in general, due to the barbs being far more active and aggressive than the rams (which would cause the rams to sicken and die). The barbs should also be in a larger tank really, since they need space to be active. Lastly, there should be fewer of them in a 37gal tank, it's too small for a large school. The rams... you should probably lower your future population to either 1 mated pair or a single loner, unless it's a long tank. If a long tank than you *should* be ok with 4 but only if none of them mate (they get way more aggressive when mated). The Loaches and the Catfish will overcrowd your bottom level on the tank, and I do believe that the loaches will be bad for the health of the catfish due to their activity. The loaches also need a considerably larger tank than that.

In summary, do not have that stock. I'd suggest the following:

1X Ram
4X Bumblebee Catfish
6X Cherry Barb (if you need a barb)

That set up shouldn't have any conflicts so long as the Ram goes in last so it doesn't need to adjust it's territories to the catfish.

Understand I have never attempted to put these fish together, so it *could* work, but from my knowledge it would end badly.


AC Members
Dec 11, 2011
Blairstown, New Jersey
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IPhone 14 Pro Max
Lets see... I never intended on discus and don't intend of keeping them.. I been trying to get them a bigger home. I know how mean angels can be.. but mine never been nasty and my old female never bothered neons. As for my rams, I have 3 females and 1 male, no issues. Its a 30" tank, large enough for my Kuhlis and my cats... As these catfish get 2-3" max and had them for 5 yrs and the kuhlis for 2. The rams and angel never fought and hung in the same spot. Cherry barbs are kind of shy and not as active I would like. I could do Rummynose Tetras instead..My rams are used to fast active fish and seem to be happy. I may add another filter but depending.


Fishlover Extraordinaire
Dec 11, 2009
Southeastern PA
Real Name
Mr. Palmer
If it works for you then you can keep it as is, I'm just voicing my concerns is all :) Sometimes the fish are peaceful even if the breed is... less so. But if these are going to be NEW fish you should keep an eye out for the issues I brought up.

What filtration do you have already (sorry if I missed it)?


AC Members
Dec 11, 2011
Blairstown, New Jersey
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IPhone 14 Pro Max
I have a Marineland 200 Penguin Bio-wheel running on it, and its been running for 3 years now and no issue. I used to have a 15" Common Pleco, but knew he was to large and rehomed him awhile ago... about 2 yrs ago now. I won't have any plecos since they don't really eat 'algae'.

I thought about stock in a few weeks:
5 Kuhlis
2 South american Bumblebee cats
4 rams
a nice school of Neons or Cardinals.. since they stay smaller
A school of hatchets to stay on top..

seems a little better stock.. What do you think? But before I add more fish, after rehoming the others, going to get more driftwood and plants as I planned.


Fishlover Extraordinaire
Dec 11, 2009
Southeastern PA
Real Name
Mr. Palmer
I still think you're a little bottom heavy on your stock (Rams, Kuhlis, Bumblebee Cats) but in a well planted 30in tank there should be enough space for them to all mind their own business. I'd add the rams last so they don't think the others are invading their territory. I also think you're a tad bit heavy on overall stock, but so long as you have adequate filtration and remember the adult size of the fish when you add/remove/alter filtration you should be good. I've found though, that my neons (in a 20gal) tend to spend more time near the top of the tank than elsewhere, you may not even need the hatchets to liven up your top level :)


Fishlover Extraordinaire
Dec 11, 2009
Southeastern PA
Real Name
Mr. Palmer
Ok, ok, seems you have this tank under control for the most part :)


AC Members
Feb 4, 2013
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I'm treating for Camallanus worm tonight, but none of the fish show signs of it, but treating just in case. While I am treating, I'll be picking up stuff for the tank.
Dont forget to pick up plants. Everything/everyone likes plants. Also, sweet profile picture. Is he yours?

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