50 gal semi aggressive stock

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AC Members
Jul 28, 2019
Just wanting to post a stocking idea and get some feedback as I always like to check what others think as well as research. I have a 50 gal heavily planted aquarium that currently has a single albino bristlenose pleco in it (juvenile currently) and 3 black neons(leaving in a few days as I saved them from a previous tank for a family member) and I am planning a semi aggressive stocking for the tank. My plan currently is to keep the bristlenose and get 6 tiger barbs, 6 serape tetra, and a rainbow shark. What other larger non schooling semi aggressive fish would you suggest and has anyone had experience with the combo of the tiger barbs and serape tetras. And with the bristlenose bieng pretty small (about an inch) is there any danger of him getting picked on before he’s large enough to hold his own. This tank is cycled and has been for 2-3 months so the plants and bacteria are established.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Well, a 50g isn't very big considering semi-aggressive fish like a shark & either of your schooling choices. I would maybe go with 8-10 of EITHER tiger barbs OR serpae tetras, not both. Maybe a blue or gold gourami (same species, different color) & skip the shark. They really need a 4ft tank, they're shaped like a torpedo & a need for speed. How about some loaches? (they're my thing, lol) Maybe 6 or 9 striatas (zebra loaches) OR a few more of sidthimunkis or, say, 5 kubotai. Check out loaches, they are very entertaining!!


AC Members
Jul 28, 2019
I like loaches but unfortunately there’s only a few near where I live, kuhli, clowns and yo-yos. Would the kuhlis be a little too small for the other tankmates and would they be okay with the pleco? I know the clowns get way too large and I’m not a huge fan of the yo-yos simply because they are about 13$ at my lfs. Okay I can cancel out the rainbow shark. Why not the two schools though? Also just did the measurements and the tank is 4ft but is thinner than a regular 50 gal, it’s apparently over 20 years old so that could be why. I took the measurements and it’s still a 50 gal but longer and thinner/shorter than the regular ones.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Oh, I was thinking of a 50g breeder 36 x 18 x 15h. If you decide to get a shark, make sure your tank is well covered, they may jump out.

I haven't kept serape & tiger barbs together AFAIR. Tiger barbs get to 3 inches & may boss the smaller tetras around. Both are less nippy with more in their schools, keep at least 8 of each. It's good you'll have plants, they can help break up areas. As far as "heavily" planted goes, there's a big difference between my almost jungle-y tanks & a newb's idea of 2 java ferns, 2 anubias, a clump of moss & a couple crypts, all small. Any plants are great! But just "some" may not help with breaking up lines of sight to keep the tank more calm.

The shark & pleco are both territorial, you'll need at least 3 or 4 hiding places so each can choose a couple, although my bn is out & about all over the tank. We had trouble (as in deaths) trying to keep rainbow or red tailed sharks with corys. Corys don't understand shark territory issues & were body slammed often. Loaches do understand territories but with 2 biggish bottom fish (shark & bn) I don't think you have room on the bottom of your tank for all. BN & kuhlis are fine, I don't know from experience all would be ok in your tank...Pick 2 bottom species & wait a year or 2 until everybody get to adult size. Most fish we buy are juveniles & should grow...a lot!!

So, if your heart is set on a shark & your tank is 4ft long, skip other bottom fish with the BN. (remember the lots of hiding spots!) I think if you want both serape & TBs, get the 8-10 serape first, then later add the 8-10 TBs & call your tank fully stocked.

Oh, & we're going to want pics of your tank as you go along! Good luck!


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Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
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Just to add to fishorama's advice, what type of substrate are you using in this tank? Just bringing that up because kuhlis should have sand.


AC Members
Jul 28, 2019
Hi okay, I may keep looking for a different schoolthan the serapes then since the 6 tiger barbs and the bristlenose are what is currently in the tank. The tank has 2 large Amazon’s on either side about 4 inches from the top of the tank. One side has wisteria and the other, anacharis so they are both fast growing and jungle like. The center of the tank has a dwarf lily and a lava rock(newer so it’s not grown yet. I’ll keep looking at some other fish compatible with the tiger as well as add 2 more to bring the school up to 8. I think if I do the shark I’ll add him in last since my bn is still pretty small at an inch. But I may just do the kuhlis as I really like them, and I have black sand as substrate.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Pics? That can help us help to help you. Have you looked at dennisoni barbs? They are a schooling fish, very pretty, kinda similar to sharks in shape but WAY more mellow. They would be much safer with kuhlis but would like to be in a group of at least 3-4 or more. This would be INSTEAD of a rainbow or red tailed shark.


AC Members
Jul 28, 2019
Yes, I love the Denisoni barbs, I didn’t think I could put them in. I will definitely do those instead of the red tail. Okay so the 8 tiger barbs, 3-4 Denison’s, kuhlis and the bristlenose. And okay I’ll attach a picture as well. Sorry I have the lights off at the moment.



AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I haven't kept TBs & denisonis together but they "should be" ok.

If you go with roselines you could easily have 12-15 kuhlis (preferably all the same species for maximum happiness. I like striped for my preference.). A few more hiding places like wood or rocks will help...as would a dark background.

I haven't had anacharis (elodea) grow well for me. It's often a cooler temp plant but there are at least 2 species commonly kept, maybe a third.

I'm not sure I'm IDing you plants correctly...Is that a sword & crypt on the right end? What is the stem plant at the left? & what is the plant on the rock? It looks like a lily or maybe a reddish cryptocoryne? Either should be planted in the substrate with a root tab nearby. How deep is your substrate? 2+ inches is good.

You have a nice start!! Don't take my nitpicking too hard, I'm just trying to help. I belong to a plant club & have many more options than some people. In a general way, where do you live? If you're near a big city you should plan to attend club meeting at least once in a while, it'll be worth a drive to go once or twice a year. It's very fun to meet up with other hobbyists!


AC Members
Jul 28, 2019
The anacharis has grown like a weed, I started with 5 small stems and I’ve got an extra bucket of tank water underneath the rank filled with cuttings I’m saving for a family member. I do not know what species it is though. The right end has a sword and a crypt yeah, there’s a flourish root tab next to those and they are both in the substrate. Then it’s a dwarf red lily in the center also half in the substrate, the tuber is partially our so it doesn’t rot, and also has a root tab next to it. Then the stem plant on the left that’s bushy green colored is water wysteria and there is also two stems of ammannia gracillus although both had a bit of a rough start before I dosed iron. Then there is a stem of alternethia reinicki (AR I can never spell it right) and it just sprouted a new baby next to it, and behind that one is a stem of bacopa which has also sprouted two new little baby bacopas. And then on the far left is another amazon sword also with a root tab. Everything is in the substrate as I’ve never had luck with floating plants and don’t keep any anubias or java fern. The substrate is 2 inches thick on the right but I’ve got it sloped into a sort of hill on the left so it’s deeper there where the largest sword is. There’s also three of the Marimo moss balls and some Christmas moss growing on the skull on the left side. I don’t have a whole lot of experience with fish but I adore plants. Most of these plants were in the tank awhile before fish were or raised in a seperate tank before being placed in this one. I also do a dose of flourish (liquid kind) if the stem plants look a little needy but generally they do pretty okay as the nitrates tend to be a little higher(I’ve got ammonia in my tap, the tank always cycles it down in 24 hours but there’s always a little more nitrates because of it. ) I’m considering adding some pothos to the top of the tank to pull out some of the extra nitrates but as of right now they aren’t too high.