6.6 Gallon Journal

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AC Members
Apr 24, 2008
Moro, OR
So here is a theory....

My 6.6 is higher on Nitrates about 40, not good for the inverts and mantis.

My 20 gallon still has some issues with ammonia, about .25.

Therefore, what if I swap small amounts of water between both tanks? Would it balance out or is this idea stupid?

I bought 3lbs of cured live rock today. I put the 2 new larger pieces in the 20 gallon and removed some smaller pieces to give to the mantis for more cover. The 20 gallon looks pretty insane. If I didn't know better I would say it looked like a healthy tank.

On the 6.6 I switched the HOB filters so that it pushes water long ways and creates a much smoother flow. The mantis destroyed a larger snail a couple nights ago and woke me up three times with his hard hits. He has been devouring the poor snails body.

The LMB is doing awful... I'm thinking about euthanizing the poor guy. The LR I did purchase has a lot of algae on it, but he just isn't eating. Thoughts?

The female clown is still doing amazing.

After all this I have learned that you CAN NOT "short cut" a saltwater system like you can a fresh water system. It just isn't possible. If anything I hope this journal will prove that to people who were originally thinking like me. You just can't do it... Stick to the rules, you can't break them here.

It's been a long and painful ride... However, it's been very educational and exciting. I'm honestly happy with my progress. I also hope I make the dead line so that Fishfiend1 eats his shoes and LR. Two weeks away....


AC Members
Jul 28, 2010
New Jersey, USA
Do you keep the mantis shrimp in the 6.6 gallon?
Also, according to the 500 Marine Invertebrates by Ronald L. Shimek Mantis Shrimp need a minimum aquarium size of 20 Gal. and they are not community tank animals - eat snails, fishes or other crustaceans. In my opinion the poor snail died because the tank was too small and the animals were stressed.


AC Members
Apr 24, 2008
Moro, OR
Do you keep the mantis shrimp in the 6.6 gallon?
Also, according to the 500 Marine Invertebrates by Ronald L. Shimek Mantis Shrimp need a minimum aquarium size of 20 Gal. and they are not community tank animals - eat snails, fishes or other crustaceans. In my opinion the poor snail died because the tank was too small and the animals were stressed.
Your opinion is wrong. The mantis killed the snail and ate it for food. Also I know what book you're talking about and it's referring about a very specific species of mantis shrimp that grows 6-8 inches and is very common in the trade(Peacock Mantis Shrimp). Mine is a Gonodactylus viridis, full grown at 2.5" which CAN be kept in a DT if fed and WILL NOT eat healthy fish. If you want to know more about Mantis Shrimp pick up the latest Coral Nov/Dec 2010 magazine. Yes, the mantis is back in the 6.6 with "poor" snails to smash, kill and eat.


Fishlover Extraordinaire
Dec 11, 2009
Southeastern PA
Real Name
Mr. Palmer
So, did your tank ever crash or do I need to go find my old shoes? :D



AC Members
Apr 24, 2008
Moro, OR
So, did your tank ever crash or do I need to go find my old shoes? :D

Nah, dude it's still going well! However, the bet isn't finished until this Saturday the 18th so there is still time for me to lose... I just kind of doubt I will, so you may as well try to find your old shoes and pick out your least favorite piece of live rock to chow down on... I'll be nice and allow ketchup! Pics will be uploaded when the bet is off, but I can tell you the tank looks pretty cool for a FOWLR.

Snupa, no apologies required. Many people don't know much about Mantis Shrimp as they just assume they will be crazy killers. I advise everyone that if they find one to start a small tank, 5.5 gallons should suffice, and house one. They are very interesting and make great pets!


AC Members
Apr 24, 2008
Moro, OR

The 6.6 as it sits today... Not nearly as impressive but all that resides in it is the Mario the Mantis Shrimp. He doesn't mind one bit.

Mario the Mantis enjoying a walk around the park.

Here is the 20 gallon as it sits today. Hopefully no one held their breath. The mass amount of micro bubbles is from the Seaclown skimmer... I'll be getting a new one after I settle after the holidays.

And here are the residential fish of the 20 gallon. There are a few hermits and pepperment shrimp as well. There are some snails I think. The snail shells are the remains from the mantis shrimp so that the hermits can find new places to live if they feel it necessary.

I plopped the Clownfish in fairly recently. She's been doing very well with no aggression issues.

The Sixline has been in the tank for awhile now and usually pairs up with the Cherub Angel as they scout for lovely morsels to feast on.

The Firegoby was my first fish and as you can see, still alive and well.

I met my bet, I win.

I wouldn't recommend anyone doing what I did... I've only lost 1 fish, the male clown, which had nothing to do with the 20 gallon what so ever. Therefore, I've had zero fatalities as far as my fish go.

My plans is to get that new skimmer first and foremost. I may add some zoos around that time as well... But that's probably a month from now. I really also want a Rainsfordi Goby as well... I've ordered them and two have came in but perished a few days after being in the LFS systems... Hope you enjoyed the photos and the bet!

Oh yea, I also had to put down the LMB a month ago I think. So I guess I did lose a fish... He was sadly, going to be flushed anyway if I didn't take him.

Fishfriend.... Eat up buddy!
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AC Members
Apr 24, 2008
Moro, OR
FINALLY thank goodness!!!!!!!! I picked up the new ESHOPPS PSK-75H hang on the back skimmer to replace that stupid seaclown tonight... It's so quiet! The micro bubbles stay in the tube and they are way smaller than the seaclown. It still has yet to produce skimate as it's only been running for an hour or so.

The fish are all alive and I recently purchased a Hi Fin Goby / Pistol Shrimp combo... They dig... A LOT.

Mario the Mantis is still very much alive and very loud. He wakes me up at night.

Fishfriend, how was your shoes and live rock? How did you prepare it?


AC Members
Apr 24, 2008
Moro, OR
Been a long time. The tank is still running and hasn't crashed. I have upgraded the 20 gallon to a 30 gallon I got at work for 50% off with tank, stand, top, light, filter. I upgraded to glass top and also picked up a Compact Fluorescent 2 bulb 30" for cheap at work brand new. I then found an Eshopps hang on the back refugeium which is about 5 gallons I believe. I also hung my Eshopps skimmer on the back of the Refugeium. I also found a used MP10 for cheap and have that on Reef Crest with my older Korallia pump spraying water behind the live rock. I am gaining pods and coralline algae like crazy. I had to move from Kalamazoo back to Detroit and all I lost was a Green Mandarin a few weeks later. He was eating and was very fat but for some reason the move messed him up. He refused to eat the pods and just sat in a corner until he died.

My live stock in the display tank now includes:


1 Clown Fish
1 Pygmy Cherub Angel
1 Firefish
1 Six Line Wrasse
1 Hi Fine Goby
1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp


Watermelon Zoa
Bam Bam Zoa
Green Zoa
Pink Zoa
Duncan 3 heads
2x Frog Spawn Frag
Brown Aquapora
Green Star Polyps
Blue Sympodiums


Peacock Mantis Shrimp
Lots of pods!


50 lbs roughly

Here is a video:
Who wants to bet on a tank crash?
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