A. gigas

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AC Members
May 10, 2006
NE Texas
I've found a place that "says" they have A. gigas for sell. I'm really interested in getting one of these wonderful boneytongues but last they were protected and classified as endangered. Am I wrong or has there classifaction been lifted. Just wondering...


Katherine Hope
Jun 9, 2005
brenham, tx
According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife site (which I was on today), they are illegal to have in the state of TX. You could always email them, I suppose, and ask if anything has changed.


AC Members
Nov 3, 2005
ya that was the first thing that came up in my mind..
they get over 10ft i thought...9ft 10ft same thing, you need like a lake for that beast


AC Members
Oct 12, 2005
an arapaima should not be kept in anyones home at all. unless u plan on having a gigantic tank like seaworld to house it. selling animals like this to just anyone is one of the things in the aquarium hobby that truly truly sickens me. the only place this animal belongs is in its native environment or in a nice public aquarium that houses it properly. arapaima gigas can grow to 10 feet long as someone said and easily weigh 300 pounds. not something that most people can easily care for.


AC Members
Dec 27, 2003
not just anyone can buy them, legally anyway. as Spartan said, they are CITES controlled so without all the permit's, you can't buy them. They are somewhat endangered in their natural habitat due to sport fishing but they are rampant in asia where they are bred for sport fishing. I read an article about a guy in Thailand that caught one that weighed like 187kg but wasn't good for the record because he was assisted in catching it. KYle


AC Members
Apr 24, 2005
tricksterpup said:
Seriously, you would not be able to safely keep a fish like this and afford the enclosure. And plus the laws are against you as well.
How can you come to that conclusion from one question? Looking at sibiyan's other threads, he stated he kept venomous snakes (black Mamba :eek: ). If someone has enough dedication to keep one of the most venonous snakes in the world I'm sure an Arapaima wouldn't be to out of line. The cost to keep/house this fish may be to much for you, but he may be a millionaire who knows. This is the first time I've heard about them being illegal to own. They are almost always on Aquabid and many other internet sites sell them. I'll have to look into the law thing. I say if you want it and can properly care for it get one.


Tact is for the weak.
Oct 31, 2005
In your nightmares.
If you can afford a fish like that and can house it properly I would like you to consider keeping me as a pet instead. It would most likely be cheaper. I will even live in a giant fishtank if you wish (and although I do need indoor plumbing, again it would be more cost effective than the plumbing needed for the aquarium).

I am 6'0 (so slightly smaller than the average A. Gigas), average build, blond hair and brown eyes. I am loyal and a pretty good conversationalist. I also could be trained to do some pretty neat tricks, and am great with children.

I have never had Ich, fungus, columnaris, or other fish parasites or diseases.


I saw 8 alligator gars for sale at RI Aquarium. Lovely, I wonder who is going to prematurely kill those poor fish by throwing them in a 55 gallon. They also sell wolf fish, jellybean parrots and all kinds of other ridiculous and inappropriate animals.

I went in to buy 3 green barbs and their tanks were LOADED with ich. The place has gone downhill drastically... I need a new LFS, so I'm trying one down the road (Morin's Pets). They had fish dyed with a checkerboard pattern. It produced an ugly fish and was torturous to the animal at the same time. :confused: I've come to the conclusion that most pet store owners are eeeevil.