Best type of water for medicine stock solution

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Registered Member
Jun 18, 2021
Hey Fish People,

Just wondering what you think is the best type of water to mix with medications for the creation of stock solutions?
Mostly, I have encountered medications being mixed with distilled water. Distilled water has 0 TDS, therefore dry powders/crystals of medicines dissolve more easily.
In my medical arsenal, I like to keep powder/crystals of Acriflavine, Malachite Green and Methylene Blue.

Please share your thoughts.


AC Members
Jun 7, 2019
Distilled water is best, as crystals will dissolve more easily. If not available, tank water can be used for dissolving small amounts to be used in the short term (days). In most tanks the volume of water added in this manner is so small that it is not of any concern, so even tap water could be used if needed (why?).
But if some of the medicines are in crystal form, that is the best way to keep them long term.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
I do not create stock solutions, I mix on a per dose basis. I have a triple beam gram scale so I can weigh accurately. I use it for meds and for plant ferts. I also have an RO/DI unit and can create close to pure water.

And example of a med I keep and use is Flubendazole. This is not easy to dissolve in water. My source for this med suggests one can overcome this issue by
*Dissolving the Flubendazole compound may be difficult. Two methods work for me,

1. Take out a large cup or microwave safe bowl of tank water. Heat it in the microwave until
it is too hot to touch - not boiling, just hot. Add the required 10% Flubendazole powder to hot
water and stir to dissolve. Allow it to cool some and gradually pour the solution into the tank to
be treated.
2. In a small measuring cup or large spoon, add the required 10% Flubendazole powder. Add
several drops of unflavored Vodka to the powder to begin a slurry and then almost a solution.
Don’t add more than half again as much powder you are working with. Stir in all well and then
thoroughly mix the slurry into the tank to be treated.
All that said, I would be inclined to use my RO/DI water if i wanted to pre-mix meds to insure nothing in the tap water might react in any way over time with the med. I would also assume if you want to premix meds you need to have an airtight bottle to store them in. Finally, it seems to me that the shelf life of some meds could be longer when they are in dry form as opposed to liquid. it might be that when in liquid form some meds need and added ingredient to keep them stable. I would want to know for sure if and when this might be the case.

I would think that how frequently one needs to use meds might influence the decision as to in what form to keep them. I do know one thing. No matter what meds I keep on hand, my fish seem to prefer to contract things for which I am not prepared. This may be because I am low on the needed med, it has passed it's expiration date or I do not even have it. Somehow the fish seem to know this and make sure they contract things to make life difficult for me......