Black Spots in My Filter Floss...Seachem Claims This is Dangerous "Anaerobic Bacteria"

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AC Members
Jun 16, 2013
So I picked up the two 100ml packets of Purigen today; gonna put them in the AquaClear during the next water change (just did one yesterday, so next Tuesday). The question is, do I leave the floss in there with the Purigen, or is this totally overkill for polishing?

Also -- was able to rinse out the floss layer in the sink, during the WC, and I got most of the gunk out of it...looked almost new/white when I was done, and I didn't see any black areas. I just kept rinsing the floss under the tap, then squeezing out, then rinsing, then squeezing...took awhile, but a good amount of discolored water came out of it before I was done. So it's polishing SOMETHING...


AC Members
Jun 16, 2013
There are also slightly less dense filter materials that can help with fine particulates instead of floss. Might work well before your Purigen to keep it cleaner & less recharging. I have a few different 1s, none with labels...1 is ~1/2 inch stiffer polyfiber sheet, cut to fit. Just an idea...
Thanks! I will definitely consider this. Though I never recharge the Purigen (I never wanted to get involved with anything that encompassed bleach and a fish tank), instead just replacing the pre-packed pillows whenever they become exhausted after about six to nine months. But your suggestion may work with regard to how many times I'd need to REPLACE the thanks!

As for the floss reusing...I just cleaned out most of the crap that was in my layer yesterday during my weekly water change, and I was able to salvage it to reuse again (it wasn't falling apart). Just needed a really good hard wringing out and squeezing while blasting it under the tap...


AC Members
Jun 16, 2013
Just did the stupidest thing a human being has even been accused of since the dinosaurs roamed the earth...

Decided to add the Purigen to the filter today instead of waiting the week for the next water change (when I shut off the filters), and attempted to place the packets in the AC while it was I took out the Bio Max packs, placed them aside, then stuffed in the Purigen above the filter floss, then tried to get the Bio Max back on top. The flowing water from the filter was, of course, adding resistance so the whole thing was a mess trying to get everything sandwiched into the media basket...

Alas, much of the stuff collected by the foam block and floss was released, making that side of the tank cloudy, ultimately defeating the purpose of the Purigen, at least temporarily...

I hope the water column clears up. Lesson here? Don't do filter maintenance of ANY kind while they're running.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Oh crap! It's not more than a minor PITA I hope. Did you rinse the Purigen first? I think that's something you might have done, but I don't remember...I think I used it only once or twice, it may have come with a used tank. Keep the floss to collect some of the "dust" least for a while, a couple weeks probably. Water changes, of course, will help.

I don't know if I said, but if floss works before the Purigen, great. The less dense filter media was only if the AC runs slow with both, then think about other media. As you've seen, Purigen & its bag are pretty fine. You don't want that to clog fast. But you can rinse purigen without going "full recharge" on it. Rinse with running tap, dechlor & put it back in the AC.
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AC Members
Jun 16, 2013
Oh crap! It's not more than a minor PITA I hope. Did you rinse the Purigen first?
Yes, rinsed the Purigen before putting it in the filter. Indeed, after doing a PWC today and getting everything packed back in the AquaClear correctly and neatly (I even wrung out the filter floss layer again), it seems water is getting clear once more.

I think that's something you might have done, but I don't remember...I think I used it only once or twice, it may have come with a used tank. Keep the floss to collect some of the "dust" least for a while, a couple weeks probably. Water changes, of course, will help.
I'm on an every Tuesday water change schedule right now, so I just did one this past Tuesday (50-percent) and the aforementioned partial today (about 15 or 20-percent); however, here's how I have the AquaClear 110 configured:

Foam block (bottom)
Floss (on top of the foam)
Purigen packets (on top of the floss)

Bio rings (very top)

Is this okay?

I don't know if I said, but if floss works before the Purigen, great. The less dense filter media was only if the AC runs slow with both, then think about other media.
Oh, I see; well, even on the LOWEST flow setting, the AC110 doesn't seem to be flowing slowly, even with all this media packed in there. So the floss can sit BEFORE the Purigen?

As you've seen, Purigen & its bag are pretty fine. You don't want that to clog fast. But you can rinse purigen without going "full recharge" on it. Rinse with running tap, dechlor & put it back in the AC.
Thanks for this; I didn't know the Purigen could be rinsed out like any other media. But wouldn't it be okay if I just ran it under tap water without dechlorinator, being that I'm not counting on it for bacterial filtration?


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
You media order seems fine. I usually like 2 foam blocks somewhere in there if there's room; either 2 to start with or 1 to start & 1 before or after the ceramics. It's not super important except for fine media (floss or other) before the Purigen just to help keep it & it's bag cleaner.

As for rinsing Purigen in tap, it depends on your level of worry. You had said you don't want to recharge it using bleach. Although tap water has much, much less chlorine it often has some. I would use dechlor, if not to rinse the Purigen (I do running tap for everything), then a full tank's dose after a WC & Purigen tap rinse. As you see, I'm ok with a heavy dechlor soak or 3+ after recharging Purigen in bleach, but I'd still dechlor it after tap rinsing if not dosing for the tank WC, it depends on your comfort zone. It does kind of count as BB host but not in a really significant way, you have lots! I don't really remember exactly what all Purigen removes, but I don't think it's chlorine or chloramine. Dechlor is cheap & effective, when in doubt, just use it. I like Prime...


AC Members
Jun 16, 2013
You media order seems fine. I usually like 2 foam blocks somewhere in there if there's room; either 2 to start with or 1 to start & 1 before or after the ceramics. It's not super important except for fine media (floss or other) before the Purigen just to help keep it & it's bag cleaner.
I don't think I'd be able to squeeze two foam blocks in there, to be honest; it's pretty packed as-is...but would the extra foam/sponge be for additional polishing/mechanical?

Your theory regarding the Purigen makes total sense...but if I wanted to take the floss out after it becomes pretty gnarly, can I get away with just the foam block, the 200ml of Purigen and the dual ceramic ring bags?

As for rinsing Purigen in tap, it depends on your level of worry. You had said you don't want to recharge it using bleach. Although tap water has much, much less chlorine it often has some. I would use dechlor, if not to rinse the Purigen (I do running tap for everything), then a full tank's dose after a WC & Purigen tap rinse. As you see, I'm ok with a heavy dechlor soak or 3+ after recharging Purigen in bleach, but I'd still dechlor it after tap rinsing if not dosing for the tank WC, it depends on your comfort zone. It does kind of count as BB host but not in a really significant way, you have lots! I don't really remember exactly what all Purigen removes, but I don't think it's chlorine or chloramine. Dechlor is cheap & effective, when in doubt, just use it. I like Prime...
Oh, no doubt....I'm a Prime fan, too. But I just didn't see the point in needing to drop the Purigen bags into dechlorinated water to rinse them out when I have bio material in so many places throughout two large HOBs...


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Well, personal choice again. I prefer more mechanical filtration (with my many plants), 2 sponges & 1 or 2 layers of ceramics. You prefer more ceramics, that's ok too. The skeptic in me says no matter the better bio filtration of newer ceramics, all those tiny places eventually get filled in 6 months or a year or whatever. How do you "fix" that? By baking or bleaching? Buying new of an almost "indestructable" product? A vigorous rinse doesn't "unclog" those all tiny surfaces after a while. That's why I prefer more sponges, they can always be squeezed & rinsed. & while that doesn't get sponges back to "new" either, it works better for me.

Realize my ACs are only 70s, so more than half your 110 but lots less... & I'm not sure of a "bag" of ceramics size...But I also use that thinking in my canisters, with LOTS more media...& those I rarely clean, maybe twice a year.


AC Members
Jun 16, 2013
Points taken.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I hope you understand I'm not trying to run your choices down, there are several possibilities...but there are filtration options & things to think depends on your fish, tank, filters & maintenance... water too, we're not all in the same any I've said's a learning process...for you & your tank...I can only offer my experiences...& I have...