Blue Rams with Keyholes?

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Devon Greatwolf

Registered Member
Mar 10, 2006
I currently have a pair of German Blue Rams in a twenty-gallon tank, which I would like to begin using as a quarantine tank. I was thinking of relocating the rams to an existing thirty-gallon South American tank. The thirty currently contains two Keyhole Cichlids, five Rummy Nose Tetras, three Neon Tetras, four Panda Cories, and two Albino Cories. My concern is that there may be conflicts between the Rams and Keyholes. I intended to increase the number of "caves" in the thirty before introducing the Rams. I was just curious what every thought about this situation. Thanks in advance for your thoughts and time regarding this.


Monster Tank Builder
May 29, 2007
New Orleans, LA
I would suggest rearranging all of your caves before adding them. This will eliminate established territories and allow new ones to be formed with less conflict. The rams won't be invading the keyhole's stomping grounds when they are trying to establish their own. Keyhole's tend to be fairly mild-mannered, so I don't expect you'll see any conflict from them.

peach rum 11

AC Members
Feb 18, 2005
i see no problem. i used to keep keyholes and rams together all the time! they are both so mild mannered. the four actually swam around together sometimes.

Devon Greatwolf

Registered Member
Mar 10, 2006
First off, thank you for all your input and advice, I found the discussion very enlightening. I will try to explain my situation a little better and outline what my intentions are in the following.

I currently have the 30-gallon tank previously mentioned. Unfortunately, my Keyholes are not M/F pair; I sadly lost my female a few months ago. It is heavily planted with artificial plants, contains one medium-large driftwood display, and several caves and crevices.

I also have a modestly planted (fake) 20 gallon which is currently housing my two Rams and 8 Rasbora Hets.

Then there is my “old-timers” tank. Naturally planted and laid out with fake décor. Contains 1 5+ inch Opaline Gourami named Blue; she has been with me since day one of my entrance into fish keeping (a little over 4 years now). I also have Killer, my 7 inch Red-Finned Rainbow Shark, and he’s been with me for approximately 2 years. These fish originally dwelled in my 55 gallon along with an eclectic mix of other community fish, many of which were transferred to my other 30 gall. They were removed from the 55 approximately 6 months ago due to a bacterial outbreak caused by decaying plant roots in my UGF. I no longer use UGF’s I use a combination of Tetra Whisper filters with charcoal and a “half-sized” Hagen AquaClear with dual sponges and BioMax (i.e. For my 30 Gall south American I use a Whisper 30 standard setup and an AquaClear rated for 10-20 gall no carbon double sponges and the supplied BioMax).

And finally I have my reset 55 gallon which is the new (approx. 8 weeks now) home to two Dwarf Gouramis and three Honey Flame Gouramis (bought four but one passed approx. 3 weeks ago; no visible cause of death; just became lethargic and passed; other fish seem fine).

The Plan

Leave the 30 South American tank alone for now. Transfer the 8 Rasbora Hets to the 55 gall with the Gouramis. Really would like to relocate the Rams so that I can use the 20 Gallon for a Quarantine tank. I also own 5 more twenty-gallon tanks, but as of now have no room for them. I plan on doing some remodeling in a few months to accommodate four of them in my dining room.

Sorry to ramble, but what few friends I have that keep fish got started due to me (my Panda Cories and Rams breed like rabbits) and they know even less than I do. It’s just nice to prattle on to people who can shed insight into this wonderful endeavor of fish keeping.

Not to get off topic but for the last 20 years I raised various reptiles. After getting bit too many times, I needed something more docile. Fish seemed like a nice choice, my mother had several Angel tanks when I was young and I had found memories of watching them for hours at her side. Therefore, if you have any questions regarding reptiles (any type) just let me know. In addition, I have bred many various breeds of K-9.

Thank you all once again for your time and advice; and for listening to my rambling. May peace eternally be with you all.