Can someone please help me identify what's wrong with my neon tetra?

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Wow! That's amazing! I was hoping it wasn't too late but never thought it could help so fast. Let's keep our fingers crossed for her.

Just a reminder, when, after several days, you decide to remove the Epsom salt go slow. Water changes of up to 25% would be the most I do in a day.

What was your Epsom salt bath dose (even a guesstimate)? I've read many times over years about various "baths" (salt, Epsom salt, potassium permanganate, etc) but have never done it. See, we're never too old to learn new tricks, lol.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Wow! That's amazing! I was hoping it wasn't too late but never thought it could help so fast. Let's keep our fingers crossed for her.

Just a reminder, when, after several days, you decide to remove the Epsom salt go slow. Water changes of up to 25% would be the most I do in a day.

What was your Epsom salt bath dose (even a guesstimate)? I've read many times over years about various "baths" (salt, Epsom salt, potassium permanganate, etc) but have never done it. See, we're never too old to learn new tricks, lol, even after 35+ years in the hobby.


AC Members
Dec 20, 2017
Wow! That's amazing! I was hoping it wasn't too late but never thought it could help so fast. Let's keep our fingers crossed for her.

Just a reminder, when, after several days, you decide to remove the Epsom salt go slow. Water changes of up to 25% would be the most I do in a day.

What was your Epsom salt bath dose (even a guesstimate)? I've read many times over years about various "baths" (salt, Epsom salt, potassium permanganate, etc) but have never done it. See, we're never too old to learn new tricks, lol, even after 35+ years in the hobby.
Hey fishorama,

I basically followed your advice. I prepared a concentrated salt bath for her, a gallon of aquarium water and tsp of epsom salt and put her in the bath for half an hour. I also added a tsp of epsom salt in the main tank. I am keeping an eye on all the fishes, fingers crossed. Still havent fed them flakes, but did feed them a pea today. Dont want a repeat performance with the whole bloat thing.

P.S: Your advice was very valuable for a noob like me. thanks a lot!