Change to Eco Complete

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Don't ask, I'll tell.
Jan 2, 2006
Well I figure switching over to the smaller substrate would be better (easier) then this river rock I'm using right I ordered some Eco Complete, and right now they're projecting it to be here Saturday. I've never replaced gravel in a live tank before, but I got a rough idea of how I'm gonna do it...just looking for hints and pointers from people who may have also done something similar.

My water source is a shallow well with stable parameters...and I've been doing large (50% +) water changes with this water for awhile so I'm not too worried about it shocking the fish or anything. I have the spare 50l (~12 gallon) tank I'm not using, as well as old heaters I used to use in it.

My plan is to set up the 50l on a nightstand-type table below my 29 gal (for siphon purposes), and emptying current tank water into it (bare-bottom). After it's near full, I'll have the heater on it and transfer over one of my 2 filters, probably the Penguin 150 since it's been running the longest...Then I'll take my Colosseum decor and place it in the 50l, and work on netting all the fish and throwing them in as well.

Now that I have my 29 gal almost half empty and fishless, I'll pull all the plants out and throw them in a bucket with a few inches of water, turn off the heater, and finish emptying the tank out the window. When it's completely empty I'll grab up as much as the gravel as I can with my hands (would buying a mini-broom dust pan thingie help?) and toss it into another bucket. After all the old gravel is out, toss the new Eco complete in, a few inches of water, throw the Colosseum back in, and begin replanting...

Anyways, that's the rough idea...I also have a ton of plastic plants I'll probably throw into the temp tank (50l) just to help keep the fish calm...Being a 29 gal any way I do it won't be too much of a pain, but I figure a few tips from others who have done it might make it go more smoothly.


Don't ask, I'll tell.
Jan 2, 2006
Well it came in, did as I said above, and's looking good. Much easier to plant stuff in then the pea-gravel I just waiting for it to clear up a bit (I can see the back of the tank, but it's really hazy) and for the water to warm up before throwing my fish back in....


Don't ask, I'll tell.
Jan 2, 2006
Okay, you wanted them? Photos uploaded here:

You'll see a few changes I've made if you've been paying attention to my one shot you can see the stone/tube I've added for DIY CO2 (there's another on the right side). I've rapped the one strand of Java Moss I have around a larger piece from the old gravel (the front left near the power strip) and hopefully it'll attach and spread from there. I also attached the Java fern to a rock in front of the Anacharis...hopefully it'll attach and I'll be able to figure out where I want it.

Want to try to get the Pygmy Chain Sword to spread out/fill out more...I just need to find something to "fill" that gap where the Java Fern is right now...maybe a few large, round and flat stones with an Anubias Nana or something like that?
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Don't ask, I'll tell.
Jan 2, 2006
Clears up fast...almost can't tell I just changed the substrate. Added some more Anachris in the back to fill it out...I think I'll add the fish in tonight, take a few pictures, and put the lights out.