crazy 10g

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AC Members
Sep 25, 2007
Newton Falls, OH
thanks for all of the replys guys

ive already kept multies, a gecko might be cool, i also like the idea of going salt but its a little more costly than i can afford plus ive read many times that for a beginer sw aquarist its recomended to have at least 30g so you have a little more margin for error otherwise you risk killing everything on accident, if it is easier and cheaper than i thought than someone please guide me as i have no experience with sw whatsoever.

also, badis sounds cool. the idea of live food isnt really my thing though, a buddy of mine has a bunch of live food cultures in his room and they STINK HORRIBLY, not sure what they are, but having to grow food just isnt my thing, maybe one day though.

also, on the ideas of goby and the like, possibly, they seem really interesting especially the neon gobies, my only issue with gobies is that they are usually a boring and non active fish, which is a bit of the opposite of what im looking for, if this is not the case please give me a heads up because ive never really looked into them.

glowfish is probably a no-go for me, they just arnt "natural" enough if you know what i mean. same goes with like balloon mollies and stuff, man made fish just arnt typically my thing.

onto dwarf puffs, ive considered keeping them many times, they are a really cool fish and all, but i cant seem to find them in my area ANYWHERE, and when i look online the only places i can find that carry them charge like $60 for shipping. plus me and plants dont seem to get along to well, not sure why. i give them what they need and than they turn brown and die anyway. so far ive been able to grow 3 plants with out killing them, java moss and java fern, and ive got an anubias nana that i bought full grown, it hasnt lost any leaves but it hasnt really grown any either so i consider it a win that its still alive, cuz for god sake i somehow killed frogbit and red root floaters!

and 10 pacus in a 10g? thats absolutely genius! i like that idea best so far. JK. it would certainly be more challenging to keep them alive than keeping some badis alive lol.


Fishlover Extraordinaire
Dec 11, 2009
Southeastern PA
Real Name
Mr. Palmer
No offense intended with the comment on challenging fish, how am i supposed to know how much experiences someone has?

I didn't know Balloons were man-made, but it makes sense. Do you also dislike Koi and Goldfish (common)? Just Wondering, cause I don't count them as Man-Made, they seem to do pretty well in the neighborhood pond (nothing to do with me).


AC Members
Sep 25, 2007
Newton Falls, OH
I didn't know Balloons were man-made, but it makes sense. Do you also dislike Koi and Goldfish (common)? Just Wondering, cause I don't count them as Man-Made, they seem to do pretty well in the neighborhood pond (nothing to do with me).
yea, balloons arnt natural and were breed to have that trait, i dont find them desirable. i dont have a problem with koi, i was actually going to build a pond for some. and goldfish im not to wild about, regular goldies are ok but the extreme ones im not to wild about like the celestial eye ones and stuff. ew. not that either of those can suitibly be kept in a 10 lol


AC Members
Feb 21, 2009
also, on the ideas of goby and the like, possibly, they seem really interesting especially the neon gobies, my only issue with gobies is that they are usually a boring and non active fish, which is a bit of the opposite of what im looking for, if this is not the case please give me a heads up because ive never really looked into them.
Depends. I found peacock gudgeons and the like to be pretty active. The desert gobies, not so much. They can be mixed with other fish tho- in fact, I had desert gobies with a dwarf puffer trio.

glowfish is probably a no-go for me, they just arnt "natural" enough if you know what i mean. same goes with like balloon mollies and stuff, man made fish just arnt typically my thing.
I wouldn't put danios in a 10 gallon anyway, not enough swimming space IMO.

There are a lot of cool nano fish, depending on what your LFSs have. Skipton up here tends to have a lot- like clown killies, badis, norman's lampeyes, things like that. So really, depends on your LFS.