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Lady G

It's a mafia thing, nothing personl
Oct 6, 2005
Hey I say if you got the room and you got the money GO FOR IT!!! I've seen those fish and they are awsome, I am so jealous, there is no way I personaly could acomodate one, so any one who can and want to should. Don't listen to negitivity, but I don't truly think it was meant as a put down although I could see where you may take it that way. That is the only unfortunate thing about discussion boards it's impossible to know how someone was intending their words. I don't really have any information on them beside the fact they get huge...which you already know, but I just had to let you know I think they are soooooo cool and if I could I would most definately get one. Lucky you!! :D


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2004
Charlotte, NC
I agree this isn't the place to be arguing :huh:
By the way f8ldzz I said a MINIMUM of 75 gallons, as a grow out tank, obviously I'm not going to suggest that size tank for a full grown one! :laugh: Just an FYI though, nolacola was planing on put the Dragonfish in the 125 and was VERY willing to upgrade and do what was needed in order to make that fish happy.
Also, most people who see an arrowana even if it's sold under a completely different name will usually recognize what it is. I've all too often heard people asking about the Violet Gobies which are sold under the name "Dragonfish" among others what their needs etc are, which is why I had a pretty good idea it was the goby. :idea: