Euthanasia - Clove Oil

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Registered Member
Feb 19, 2016
Fairbanks, AK
I'm a Fisheries undergrad and in my class we had to tag live fish. We used clove oil, which acts as a numbing agent and slows their respiration.

In larger quantities it also can euthanize fish.
I have done this three times for my own personal fish.

I had a golden dojo loach with wasting away disease. I didn't catch it in time, so I had to put it down. My other loach had a series of unfortunate events and I couldn't figure out the cause. My goldfish (that I got from Walmart two years ago) had air baldder issues that only got worse, no matter how big of a tank I could provide. So, in an act of compassion, I euthanized him.

Clove oil also works to calm them down for travel, and one of my goldfish got caught in a net, which after a little clove oil to calm him down I was able to safely remove him without him wriggling about.

If you need to euthanize a fish, I normally make two batches of water. One has a low ratio of water to oil and the other is higher. I found 1 cup of water to 6 drops worked well as an initial bath and once the fish breathing slows I move them into a ratio of one cup to 12-15 drops. Make sure you mix well before adding.

I hope this information isn't needed, but if it is, maybe this will help.


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Thanks for the info. I've used clove oil before with varying degrees of success though. I think the clove oil was weak. For a 12" comet I dosed more than 15x the required amount for euthanizing and ended up having to sever the spinal cord. I did mix it very well, which you do have to is oil and water after all. It works great to toothaches though! :)

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I did not have good success w/clove oil & vodka the 1 time I tried it almost 10 years ago. The fish did not seem to be in distress... but I was, since it didn't die as quickly as I hoped. I added ice & clove oil in a slight panic. The fish did die but I was quite stressed! Lately I've done a lot of ice cubes added to minimal tank water & was much happier with the speed of death (my perception). Like myswtsins said, I may have had a weak clove oil solution, & thus less effective.


Registered Member
Feb 19, 2016
Fairbanks, AK
Thanks for the info. I've used clove oil before with varying degrees of success though. I think the clove oil was weak. For a 12" comet I dosed more than 15x the required amount for euthanizing and ended up having to sever the spinal cord. I did mix it very well, which you do have to is oil and water after all. It works great to toothaches though! :)

Welcome to AC!
Thank you! Yeah, my first round I put way too much in and it immediately killed the loach. I wish I could remember the ratio I used in my lab but ts been a while. I've heard Asprin works well for minnows.