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AC Members
May 21, 2004
With a lot of Fish
I've been over-loaded with questions about sick fish on my website and I cannot possibly keep up with them. I would like to help users of the site who have questions. If anyone has a little bit of time to help answer questions please consider it.

Thank you in advance.

Stress & Disease


resident boozehound
Staff member
Oct 20, 2005
South Windsor, CT
Real Name
Recommending 2 bala sharks for a 30gal community.....yeah maybe not so much.


Senior padder
Oct 3, 2006
ST.L area
Guppy, I'll try not to pick on you too badly but you have alot of mis-information on your site that may be causing some of the sickness, illness, problems for your dedicated users. You may want to spend some time editing if you manage part of the site as well.

Here's an example of what I mean:
Ouch! - But you're quite right, Spinner, and you said it nicely.

ie: Community:
1 Pleco
3 Peppered Corys
3 Bala Sharks
3 Guppies
3 Platys
6 Penguin Tetras
6 Blackskirt Tetras

This is too much for a 55g, much less for a 25g (I'd hazard a guess that these entries were accidentally switched, but it's still off for a stocking list).


Advanced User
Jan 31, 2008
got to love this place!


The Dancing Banana
Jul 14, 2005
Charlotte, NC
definitely a lot of issues with your stocking charts. we can help you if you want to change them though, and explain why things don't work in your lists.

for example:

Tank Size: 29 Gallon
# Community: 3 Blue Gouramis
# 3 Gold Gouramis
# 3 Bala Sharks
# 2 Clown Loaches
# 1 Rainbow Shark

the gouramis tend to be very aggressive to each other - since a 29 is a tall tank rather than a long one (lacking in swimming space) even a trio od one male and two females would be pushing it, just one would be better. bala sharks get waay too large (18") and should be kept in larger groups. same with the clown loaches - up to a foot long with schooling needs.

or this one for a 75 (?!)

# 5 Cichlids - what kind of cichlids? African? South American? Central American? Convicts? Angels? Oscars? Jack Dempseys?
# 2 Plecostomus (1-5", 1-8") - at least you give a size here, but without giving specifics most people will just get a common pleco, which can reach anywhere from 8-24 inches, completely inappropriate for any of your tank set-ups.
# 2 Eel loaches - ? I don't even know what those are. An eel? A loach? maybe a bichir?
# 2 African frogs - would be quickly outcompeted for food by the other fish, unless they are African CLAWED frogs rather than dwarf frogs. the clawed frogs will eat any fish that can fit in their mouths.
# 4 Black tip sharks - black tips are actual saltwater sharks. . . . what did you mean here?
# 1 Upside down catfish
# 2 Silver dollars - fine in a 75, but not with the others you have listed. also, a schooling fish that should be in a group of at least 3
# 2 Goldfish - goldfish. . . . first of all, they are temperate water, not tropical fish, and should only be mixed by experienced owners. they can grow anywhere from 6-14 inches depending upon the type. any cichlids in the tank would beat them to shreds.
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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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One thing I'd like to mention, you should always use a proper name to be very specific in mentioning what species you are recommending per tank size and compatibility towards other fish. I have frequently despise a lot of common names due to the fact many species share the same common name.

The term "pleco" for instance, what pleco were you exactly recommending? There are over 400 species that exist and plenty of them grow to 6 inches and more which will not be accommodated by tanks smaller than 40g. Surely, you already realize this one considering plenty of plecos are very popular in the trade.

There is another issue in your link, "panda catfish". What species is it? There are plenty of catfish that could be considered panda based on appearance. Some prefer to be kept solitary, others do not want to be deprived of their company such as the corydoras in particular.

In the end, consider the adult size, behavior and dietary requirements before making suggestions or recommendations. If I might add, scientific names prove more useful than common names. These are more valid and people will least likely be confused when they encounter two or more species with the same common name.