feeding fish question

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Jan 11, 2006
Cape Fear River Basin
Ray Pollett said:
While the amounts they are telling you is correct - I disagree with the number of feedings a day. Those fish should be feed no less than 3 times a day. 4 is even better. Fish use the energy from the food up in a surpriseing short period of time.

This is something I've been wondering about for a while. Birds, too, expend an enormous amount of energy flying and searching for food and hiding from predators (now, a caged bird is obviously quite the opposite). I'll watch my fish for hours and they seem to be almost constantly moving, even when at rest. As they have tiny stomachs, common sense dictates that they should be given several small meals--very small--throughout the day. I know I always go back to horses for my analogies, but a horse is a very large animal and has quite a small stomach by proportion. They were designed to graze most of the day, eating almost constant but very small amounts. We have modeled them to our convenience, most folks feed them grain twice a day with a couple flakes of hay. These horses are more likely to colic or have digestive problems, not to mention foundering from having too much rich food (grain, esp. sweet feed) at once. Just an observation as I learn daily from my aquatic friends. :)