fire eel's...

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Guardian Of The Cave
Dec 1, 2004
Planet Earth
Here is some information on a Fire Eel that might help you out.


aka Bunny13
Oct 2, 2005
Baltimore, Maryland
unleashed said:
I wonder how you tell the difference between male and female? Is a female just more plump?
The only way I believe you can tell is that the female is fatter. I have a spiney eel that I am convinced is a female because it is about 7 inches long about an inch in diameter. She is fat!!!! I just bought another spiney eel which is in quarantine at the moment. It is only 3 inches long at the moment but it is much skinnier then Squiggles, my first eel, was when I got her. I am hoping it is a male but it may just be skinny because they are not fed well at the store.

I would be extra careful when adding new fish to the tank because eels don't have scales. This makes them extra sensitive and susceptible to illnesses such as ich. Make sure you quarantine all of your fish before adding them to your main tank. This will also cut down on the amount of water that you will need to treat in the future.


AC Members
Sep 16, 2006
So after unsuccessfully trying to feed my eel pellet food I finally bought some bloodworms today. As soon as I dropped frozen bloodworms into the tank, the eel responded RIGHT AWAY and went to work on them. Atleast now I know hes eating. He prob ate around 8-10 bloodworms then left the rest. Since he's only 6"+ and the worms are small...will he be good for another day or 2?

Excuse my ignorance, Im just learning how to handle eels.


AC Members
Mar 2, 2006
Bunny13 said:
The only way I believe you can tell is that the female is fatter. I have a spiney eel that I am convinced is a female because it is about 7 inches long about an inch in diameter. She is fat!!!! I just bought another spiney eel which is in quarantine at the moment. It is only 3 inches long at the moment but it is much skinnier then Squiggles, my first eel, was when I got her. I am hoping it is a male but it may just be skinny because they are not fed well at the store.

I would be extra careful when adding new fish to the tank because eels don't have scales. This makes them extra sensitive and susceptible to illnesses such as ich. Make sure you quarantine all of your fish before adding them to your main tank. This will also cut down on the amount of water that you will need to treat in the future.
i really hope your not thinking of putting 2 fire eels in the same tank cause if you are i can already tell you its gonna end eels are fine together as juvies but will fight as adults(unless you shove a bunch into a little space..WHICH I DONT RECOMMEND) hope everything works out and the ich goes away i hate ich


AC Members
Sep 16, 2006
The temperature in my tank was at about 84-85 degrees
was adding salt once a day, at about 1/2-3/4 teaspoons each day for the last 3 days.
I then noticed on the third day that all the fish were fine, but the fire eel didn't seem as lively is its was before. I decided to stop adding salt until he was back to his usual self.

Went back the next day to check on him and the active and friendly eel was immoble.

Im still not 100% sure the exact cause if this, if its not a combination of things, but it is with sad regret I announce that my eel is now lifeless.

Poor guy...didnt even get the chance to watch him grow. One day I will get another, but not until Im 99% sure I can take care of any problems that may occur with ease.

But thanks for your help everyone...