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Must4ng s4lly

AC Members
Jan 9, 2004
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I have used Maricide and Rid ich with my loaches and cories and plants and everyone was OK but I was real careful to do regular water changes before dosings and watch for any stress. I did do full dose too. Working up to full dose is prob better as I don't want to be responsible for anyones fishy deaths.

The most stressful treatment I have ever done was the salt and heat treatment. My fish Are just now recovering from that. I had to lower the temp and do a water change to get rid of some of the salt. The cories were totally listless and hardly breathing, others were panting. and one was stuck to the filter intake.

I did not lose anyone but it was really close! Yikes!
BTW, you might want to treat beyond the recommended dosing time B/C the ich has to cycle all the way through its vunerable stage and that can take three weeks. Of course raising temp slowly will shorten the timing of the cycling.

Best of luck to you and remember that the key is keeping a really close eye on your fishies and changes in behavior...:)


Resident Cat herder
Aug 6, 2003
Abbotsford, BC. Canada Eh?
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well, the resiliant little guys arent letting the ich get to them. I figured the cories woudl have shown some signs, but nah, they are prolly MORE active then before. So, no one is showing signs of parasites minus the white dots on them of course. Heh, I would think its like getting a mosquito bite on the part of your back you cant reach, w00