Gourami infected wound - Help please!

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AC Members
Sep 1, 2008
Deep in the heart of texas
Epsom salt is made up of Magnesium Sulfate. In the UK you may have it there at the pharmacy or as you Brits say; the chemists, or grocery store merely as Magnesium Sulfate. It is very commonly used in to put in the bathtub for a soak, or to soak a sore foot, or taken internally as a laxative.

It's very inexpensive and should be available. I'd call and speak to the pharmacist at your local chemist shop.


AC Members
Sep 1, 2008
Deep in the heart of texas
Well... I don't see scales standing away from her body... can you, in person?


AC Members
Oct 3, 2009
Bristol (UK)
Real Name
Fabio Bruno
No from the top, but it could be just starting from the bottom.
What is sure is that she is not doing well, I doubt she'll be alive tomorrow morning if I don't do something....

Please follow my reasoning doctor Mel :)

It all started with a wound when I got the fish last week on Saturday.
The day after (when I returned the dieing male) and I told the shopping assistant about the wound he suggested to replace my chlorine conditioner with Api stress coat+ (with aloe vera to help sealing the wound).
After a couple of days what it looks like a fungus started to be quite visible.
I then started changing water every 2 days.
Up to this stage she was quite active, the only sign of stress was a diminishing appetite.
Yesterday I started protozin and today the situation is deteriorating.
What if the osmotic issue was already latent and the medicin made it worst? Maybe just because the fungus that was acting as a wound sealant is now dieing quickly....



AC Members
Sep 1, 2008
Deep in the heart of texas
I do see the bulging eyes. I'm not sure what the next step should be. If it's Dwarf Gourami Disease, then I guess the situation is pretty grim.

We can hope this is merely an infection as a result of the injury and try to proceed accordingly. Problem is... I know that we are limited as to what is available there in the UK, in regards to antibiotics for the aquarium.

She doesn't seem to be improving with the fungus med that you have. In the picture I can see the long hairy fungus there.


AC Members
Oct 3, 2009
Bristol (UK)
Real Name
Fabio Bruno
True but I can't see the spores thought...

Assuming it is not DGD it could be either:
Systemic fungal infection (there is nothing I can do, I can keep on treating with protozin tomorrow if she is still alive).
Dropsy (not sure how serious is this, maybe Lucy can resist one more night with no treatment).
Osmotic stress (common salt would help a lot, maybe save her eyes, I then need to find something to seal the wound).

Should I follow my instinct I would perform immediately a 30-50% water change and then add the salt (by the way how slowly should I add it), because I think I can make it worst just in the case of dropsy...
But if you think she has got a chance to pass the night I can fetch the epsom salt tomorrow morning and try that...


AC Members
Sep 1, 2008
Deep in the heart of texas
I don't think the fungus acted as a wound sealant, and I don't think the Protozin caused this problem to worsen, really.

If she were in organ failure already at the time you dosed with Protozin, one might deduce that the Malachite green, Copper and Formaldehyde in the Protozin could have further stressed kidneys that are failing, but I really don't see signs of dropsy, i.e., pineconing of the scales.

Theoretically, her kidneys could have been in the early stages of failure, before outward signs, and therefore the Protozin could have affected her adversely, just as any medication might stress the kidneys, but I'm thinking her condition is worsening due to either infection or DGD, so please don't think that you are the cause of her problems. You're doing everything possible for her.

The popeye is obviously due to pressure in the head area, but this can be from infection, and usually is.

If Lucy is still eating, a medicated (for bacterial infections) food might help if we could get it.

I've read some information in an article by another fishkeeper that had some limited success with Kanamycin Sulfate.

Do you see any red blotches, or streaks on her body? Look at the base of the dorsal fin or at the base of the caudal fin. Fine red lines in the tiny bones or "fin rays" of the fins, or redness under the surface of the skin where the pectorals attach to the body. These are signs of septicemia, which could be a possibliity, here.

Septicemia is very serious and needs to be treated immediately with antibiotics if we could get them. I don't know what antibiotics are available.

Sorry it took a while to post, I've had a lot of interruptions here.BTW I'm not Brits (as you can guess from my English :) ) I'm Italian. Today 12:41 PM

"BTW I'm not Brits (as you can guess from my English :) ) I'm Italian."

ps: Fabio Bruno... definitely sounds Italian.;) Didn't know if you were an Italian Brit, or an import, lol.
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AC Members
Oct 3, 2009
Bristol (UK)
Real Name
Fabio Bruno
She may have a few hours left, she is now dragged around by the current... I don't think she'll manage to make it till tomorrow... so I'm adding salt, this would either save her or kill her altogether... but at this stage worth a try...
How slowly should I add the dissolved salt?


AC Members
Sep 1, 2008
Deep in the heart of texas
I don't think I would use the salt. Salt may actually upset the very balance that you are trying to help, making things worse. Salt, sodium chloride, could actually increase the osmotic stress.,

I'm going to try to find someone else that may be able to add to this discussion. Hang on, brb. I think there is "benefit in a multitude of counselors" as one writer puts it.