Gourami sick?

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Mar 29, 2005
What have you tried feeding it? Have you tried anything live?

Assuming water changes are done regularly and water parameters are good, trying new foods would be my next suggestion.

Does it look like it is wasting away/getting thinner? Anything else physical that you can see?

Maybe a generic medication would be an ok idea too, but I don't know what you have available to you


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
dougall gave some good ideas. Not eating is a sign of many possibilities. I don't like suggesting random meds. Yes, where do you live? Just vaguely, US? UK? etc that will help us help you. In the US we have more options than some places.

You never did say what size tank, how long you've had her & your other fish & what other fish you have? Are the other fish eating, pooing, acting normal for them? What foods do you offer as regular food & as treats?


AC Members
Jan 15, 2020
What have you tried feeding it? Have you tried anything live?

Assuming water changes are done regularly and water parameters are good, trying new foods would be my next suggestion.

Does it look like it is wasting away/getting thinner? Anything else physical that you can see?

Maybe a generic medication would be an ok idea too, but I don't know what you have available to you
flakes mostly, I used to give them freeze dried tubifex like a month or 2 ago, and some betta pellets. the weird thing is all my fish used to go crazy for seachem shrimp flakes but this last container I bought they are somewhat reluctant with it, sometimes I find uneaten flakes either floating or sunk, previous to that I bought them seachem tropical which they happily accepted.

yes it does look thinner, somewhat pale. I have it in a separate tank and did notice that it is pooping despite not eating, very little poo.

you can suggest anything and I'll try to get what i can.


AC Members
Jan 15, 2020
dougall gave some good ideas. Not eating is a sign of many possibilities. I don't like suggesting random meds. Yes, where do you live? Just vaguely, US? UK? etc that will help us help you. In the US we have more options than some places.

You never did say what size tank, how long you've had her & your other fish & what other fish you have? Are the other fish eating, pooing, acting normal for them? What foods do you offer as regular food & as treats?
I live in Panama in central america.

right now I have the fish in a 8G tank, the rest you can read it in my signature. Other fish are eating and behaving normally.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Oh, that's a lot of bigger gouramis in a fairly small tank. Thanks for letting us know where you live...I'm not sure what drugs you may be able to buy easily...of if drugs may be needed...

I will always think freeze dried tubifex (or live) may possibly carry diseases. I have not fed them since the 1980s when we noticed many of our fish were not healthy. Live tubifex live in sewage...ugh! Think about it...

How did the blue gourami act toward platinum girl before you moved her? What are the sizes of all your gouramis? I can't think pearls would cause trouble unless they are a lot larger...but not likely even then...

I'm not sure what meds I'd suggest & what you can get in Panama...Let's all think about this while you change lots of water as often as is reasonable (every day, every other day?) Do the best you can. That lump is not directly caused by anything I can think of. It seems to be in muscle rather than digestive tract. Is that how it seems to you? After the poo "vent" so not part of the "gut" system?


AC Members
Jan 15, 2020
there is an article that says
Oh, that's a lot of bigger gouramis in a fairly small tank. Thanks for letting us know where you live...I'm not sure what drugs you may be able to buy easily...of if drugs may be needed...

I will always think freeze dried tubifex (or live) may possibly carry diseases. I have not fed them since the 1980s when we noticed many of our fish were not healthy. Live tubifex live in sewage...ugh! Think about it...

How did the blue gourami act toward platinum girl before you moved her? What are the sizes of all your gouramis? I can't think pearls would cause trouble unless they are a lot larger...but not likely even then...

I'm not sure what meds I'd suggest & what you can get in Panama...Let's all think about this while you change lots of water as often as is reasonable (every day, every other day?) Do the best you can. That lump is not directly caused by anything I can think of. It seems to be in muscle rather than digestive tract. Is that how it seems to you? After the poo "vent" so not part of the "gut" system?
I did buy tubifex again to see if it eats, it is hard because i feed them early before going to work and return late.
when i returned last night i found this in the tank:


no idea what that yellow stuff could be.

I bought Aqueon Betta water renewal (trace minerals) liquid hoping it would help the fish, I dosed 20 ml. I also bought Kordon malachite green but i did not add it yet.

i'm not clear on something should i do a partial water change or a total water change in the hospital tank?


AC Members
Jan 15, 2020
How did the blue gourami act toward platinum girl before you moved her? What are the sizes of all your gouramis? I can't think pearls would cause trouble unless they are a lot larger...but not likely even then...
I do not know what a platinum girl is. as for the pearl sizes i will add a picture of them later today but this blue gourami is the largest of my fish


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Platinum is what the color variety of you sick female (girl) gourami is called in the US. It's the same species as the blue gourami (they can tell, lol), so there might be aggression or breeding behaviors depending on genders & size. Sorry for the US slang terms, I'll try to do better.

Malachite Green is an old dye type of fish med. I actually like it for some things. It's good for external parasites like ich, some internal 1s too & has a mild antibacterial effect. It's a pretty safe treatment when you don't know what to try. I would start with half a dose in the morning & another half dose in the evening just to make sure your fish is OK with it. Then dose as the labal says after water changes. That species of gourami are fairly hardy with medication.

Did she eat any of the tubifex that you could tell? Be sure to remove any uneaten prepared food & dead worms. Did you have some cycled filter media to add to the hospital tanks filter? Without that you really will have to change about 50% tank water every day. Not too difficult in a small tank. Do you have a water test kit for ammonia, nitrite & nitrate at least? Test often if you can & tell us water numbers or range you see for each.

I'm not sure what the yellow is. Maybe from not eating for a week? Or digestive tract lining from not eating or from the betta water treatment (I don't know what that is, not something I've used. (a plant supplement?). A tiny bit of waste from food or a breakdown of the worms? Sorry, hopefully some else will offer ideas.

Is she still sitting on the bottom? Any more of the jerk/hiccup thing?

I am wishing you & your fish good luck! Keep doing water changes before you redose the malachite.


AC Members
Jan 15, 2020
she started pooping after I dosed the liquid food for betta, after the yellow thing was found. I've been feeding it granules and it must have ate it because i did not find granules and only found poop, she started eating again friday or saturday. I'm moving her back to the main tank, not sure if she is fully recovered.

after reading about diseases, conditions from old tank syndrome to iridovirus, etc. has made me realize how i have not care enough. it never occurred to me that i was using
high pH to test pH instead of the regular one.

so i will stop posting on this thread for now