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AC Members
Dec 7, 2004
Hi everybody. I've never tried this section of the forum before, but it looks like it could be useful. I have a 90 gallon salt water tank and a 29 gallon reef tank. Here's the fish only tank.
You can see the reef in the reflection in the upper left. My fish tank has a maroon clown, ocellaris clown, fox face, yellow tang, niger triggerfish, three striped damselfish, domino damselfish, sailfin algae blenny, green urchin, two curlycue anemones, a few small purple mushrooms, a coral banded shrimp, monkey shrimp, horseshoe crab, firefish goby, sand sifting star, several large hermit crabs, and yes, that's a fake plant. I know, it's kind of tacky, but the tank needs a little green.


The "MAN"
Feb 16, 2005
Sunny Cali!
gorgeous. I love it. I also have FOWLR tanks but I was considering putting soem mushrooms in. are they hard to care for? any good ones that are easy to take care of?


This ship is England!
Dec 13, 2004
Ipswich (UK)
How do your two clowns get on? i was thinking of adding a maroon clown to my 40G which already has 2 Percula clowns. I also kept a domino damsel but he spent all of the day attcking the percs


AC Members
Dec 7, 2004
I don't think that the smoothe mushrooms are very hard at all. I bought this tank used and it has a bit of a nitrate problem that I'm still working on, but the shrooms are doing fine. In fact, they are reproducing. I only have 1.8 watts per gallon of light on the tank too. Two wal-mart fixtures with three 6500K 40w bulbs and one actinic 03. The curly cues do fine too, they have been in the tank for two years (long before I got it) and the previous owner only had about 100 watts of light on it. I had the shrooms in my reef tank, but they always get knocked off the rocks, so I put them in the FOWLR. Sometimes the urchin picks them up and carries them around for a while (he covers himself with shells as some sort of armor or camoflage) but at least they don't get lost like in the reef tank. The clowns get along about as well as two siblings. They occasionally chase each other around and around and have little fights, but they don't injure each other. I used to have another ocellaris with the one in here, but they brutalized each other bad, so I switched the one ocellaris with the maroon from my reef tank and it seems to have worked. The maroon was pulling polyps off my xenia anyway, so I wanted him out of the reef. The domino damsel is definitely the boss of the tank, but he doesn't get too out of hand. His favorite fish to bully is the three striped damsel, but he can never catch it, so no fins get nipped. He attacks my hand when I put it in the tank too. Surprisingly, the firefish never gets harassed at all, and it's really timid, but it's always out in full view and everyone just ignores it. I guess that's good, cause I can't catch him to put him in the other tank!


AC Members
Dec 7, 2004
By the way, since your tank's only forty gallons, I wouldn't put another clown in. Maroons get kind of big, and I don't think the perculas would be too thrilled about that.


The "MAN"
Feb 16, 2005
Sunny Cali!
So smoothe mushrooms? How much do they cost? Can you show me a close up pic or maybe a website so I can readily identify them? I have a tomato clown with a sergeant major damsel and those two get along great. Their relationship is comical. No fighting or anything. The Tomato is easily the boss but the sergeant doesnt mind that too much. I never have mixed clowns before. I heard it wasnt too good of an idea. I dont really like other types of clowns anyways. But I will definately look into those shrooms. I see them all the time at my LFS but never asked how easy they were to care for.

print 6196

AC Members
Sep 16, 2004
I have a 46 gal with a common green urchin. I'm planning on some mushrooms. My urchin right now eats snails he gets a hold of. Is always covered in shells, sometimes picks up hermits (but they eventually get off). But he keeps rock clean since day one. Will he be ok with mushrooms? What do you mean he carries them? Aren't they attached to rock?