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AC Members
Aug 23, 2004
I'm new to fish-keeping and to the boards, and I've been browsing for a couple of days and find this to be a wonderful forum.....

Here's what I have; a ten gallon community tank with three neons, one small fish in the neon family, two tiger barbs, one black molly, and a red tailed shark.

I also have a 30 gallon tank with a four inch Ocsar as it's only resident; dont worry, I know he needs bigger than that, I've got plans for a 75 gallon. I might be biased, but he is the most beautiful Oscar in the world! :dance
Copper-colored with very dark fins, no marking except for the signature spots by the tail.

I've got twice the recommended filtration in both tanks (size wise anyway), the community has two filters for a ten gallon tank, a regent and a Tetra whisper power filter, 90gph. The Oscar has got a Cascade 150 and a Whisper power filter. I've got a gravel vac, and all the ph, nitrate, ect test kits, which I use every week.

I've also got a WC four inch crayfish, which I keep in a 5 gallon by himself, cause I'm afraid he will either eat or be eaten. :rolleyes: plus he needs cooler temps.

I've crossed over into the final realms of animal keeping as far as exotics, mammals, reptiles, arachnids, birds, crustaceans, and now, to complete the obsession, FISH! Which is quite facinating as far as the technical aspect, and I am a firm believer in correct animal husbandry practices. I just wish I made more money to support my habit..... :eek:

So anyway, hi folks!