Honduran Redpoint

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HRPs are, in fact, quite a different fish than Convicts. Despite being able to hybridize with them, they have many differences. Convict cichlids are brown/grey with black bars. They have a more sharply pointed mouth. They have more dorsal spines. They are much more aggressive. They get bigger. They occur in different habitats. They have much bigger spawns. I have kept these fish before. I know the differences. If you have a male and female HRP, I would get rid of the convict and breed the HRPs. They are a little harder to breed than convicts, but that's still next to nothing.


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Feb 24, 2010
Raleigh, NC
Real Name
Risigan Logendran
I disagree. Honduran Redpoints are actually known for being the less aggressive cousins to convicts. They are also roughly the same size, both topping out at 5"-6".


AC Members
Cousins. I should have said that. My male HRPs only get 4 inches, if that. My male convicts get 6+. My point is: they are a different species. Much like the Mbuna in lake Malawi in Africa. They are different species, each with its own coloration and behavioral traits, as well as aggression. Virtually any can crossbreed. It happens all over the cichlid world. There are different species of discus and angelfish, all of which will crossbreed (discus with discus, angels with angels, that is). Like again with the genera Apistogramma, Laetacara, and Pelvicachromis.