host anenome

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Jan 25, 2005
What would be the best host anenome for a pair of true percula clowns? and how long does it take to accept there new host


AC Members
Mar 9, 2004
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it all depends. SOme i know use bubble tips and others use carpets. As far as how long. could be a day or two or never.Plus if they are tank breed then they havent ever seen an anenome which could take longer for them to acutally realize what one is. I know some one whos clowns wont go near the carpet but host in his hairy mushrooms. Mine havent hosted anything yet and i have had them for over a month. they do hand out around my frogspawn.


AC Members
Jan 26, 2005
The best host for the tank and the easiest to keep for a beginner is a Sarcophyton Leather coal. Clowns will host in this usually. Even if you have theright type of aenmone there is no guarentee they will adopt it.

Carpets and bubbletips are usually known as hosts for clowns and these require specilist care. a very expesive addition (including equipment) just for a pair of clowns that will be just as happy in a leather coral that requires far less maintenance.

Here is a piccy of my clown in a leather coral.


AC Members
Jan 26, 2005
As near perfect as possible.

Anemones are basicaly large bags of water so its very important that the water is very high quality. An anemone needs 2 things i n its life. Excellant water and excellant light. if it has not got these then it will simply wander off to find the right conditions. This is when anemones get stuck in powerheads and sting all corals etc in their path.


AC Members
Nov 27, 2002
I don't have halides and my 8x40w NO's have worked just fine now for 11 yrs of keep anemones.
My sebae is at the bottom of a 90g tank, and the most recent addition, a rose bubble tip, hides from the lighting on a 65 which also has 8x30w NO's with 4 of those lamps overdriven by an IceCap 660. The rose kept hiding and I kept exposing it to light until I gave up and it remains in a pocket in the rocks, sticking itself out I presume to capture food and perhaps a limited amount of light. I have since read quite a few posts regarding bubble tips hiding when placed in halide or other high light tanks.
As for the sebae, my first one was lost to my cooked tanks (96F) when the A/C quit 1 1/2 yrs ago while I was on holidays. It was the hardest thing to lose of all the corals and fish lost at the same time because it was the very first inhabitant I bought for my first tank, 11 yrs ago this month.
The replacement sebae has been doing just fine since then, so it wasn't just a fluke with the first anemone.


AC Members
Jan 26, 2005
Well done! your obviously an experienced reefkeeper and keeping these anemones for this amount of time is a credit to you. I still stand by my views that anemones should not be kept unless the person is extremly experienced with them.. Whilst you are right that these creatures can be kept under alternative lighting, for anyone wishing to try an anemone its easier to recomend halides and thus be sure of having the correct amount than recomending lower light levels and have the anemone wandering and stinging things because light levels are too low. Its easier to lower the light than raise it once the lights are purchased.

I do have a bubble tip that came free on some liverock but i will never purchase one for the simple reason that we cannot keep these creatures with any degree of success. You have kept one for 11 years but these anemones will outlive you, your children, grand children and great great grandchildren .. in fact they will outlive most things on this planet if they are kept healthy. Scientists are yet to discover an aging cell within their bodies so who knows how long these creature can truely exsist for? Some even speculate that a few anemones out n the ocean could have been around when Jesus walked the earth!

So how can any of us with hand on heart say that we are successful with anemones? If they live in our tanks for 10 years, twenty years, 50 years and then die, its no different than keeping a puppy for 6 weeks, having it die and telling everyone how successful we were with it. Im not having a go at anyone here, I do however want people to know that these creatures are not easy, should not be attempted by beginners and whoever decides to care for one should know just what they are letting themsevles in for.

OK i'll climb down off my soapbox now :p


Puffer Lover!
Jan 18, 2005
My Percula hosts in a Haitian Anemone.