I need to begin research on which SPS corals and few other species of corals

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Mar 21, 2007
Hillsborough NC
Again, i hope this turns out right in the way I meant it too :eek:

I always know of the cost on lighting and bulbs replacement. I'm what I consider am at the near end of my hobby years, If I 10 or 20 years more I no clue, but I like to be able to say up in aquarium heaven that I do most anything one could mention within a marine aquarium system. And yes, I did sharks & rays and OOPS, I not done one other thing, seahorses :( OK I be missing one one that I not done, lol

The 175 MH that are in right now are Single Ended and I figure he be putting in the 250 MH with Single End as well, Now I will speak with him on doing it with 400 MH.

Tunze, Yes! that is the pumps I was trying to get the name out for and I know that it is a great pump as well.

I am concern of phosphates from food feedings, I will tell my LFS guy to do this once he changes the lights on both tanks and the sump on the 240>
On the nitrate reactors is always what I heard about it, I just wanted to hear it from you>

On the DSB issue, I figured that 3" and in some areas its 2" or less, what is your ideal depth for these type of tanks?

I'm sure that the skimmer link which you provided are excellent skimmers, but here we a problem on skimmer height due to that the stand which were made for the 240, the people who build it made it that the be only 24" under the stand.

Also under the tank, a small area will be cut out from the ceiling over the sump to allow the skimmer to fit. I not any area where I can run a life line to the tank and have the skimmer elsewhere for im no room for it.

Now I owned the ER skimmers for a good number of years, and not had any problems due too them not doing all that I brought them for, I one ER skimmer on a two tank system, a 70 & 130 gal tanks with a 40 gal sump.
My RO unit is the Kent Marine that comes as a four stage unit and this includes the membrane, I added the additional cartage of the Kent marine Hi-S> The unit is better called as Hi-S Maxxima which produces 60 gpd. I added the second cartridge of silicamax Hi-S DI cartridge. If you believe that I should add another stage to this, to have a second carbon block filter, I would> At least that cartridge is a little less in cost then the other, LOL

With all the cost I put into these tanks, One has to have a sense of humor about it :)

I called the LFS not too long ago, asking of the difference in cost to change from 250 to 400 watts MH. The 250 MH aren`t in as yet>


Nov 29, 2002
ST.Louis Area
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You want to run the DI CARTRIDGE in series like in my pic to get the absolute lowest TDS. It makes a difference. A standard household kitchen filter used as a prefilter increases filter life in the unit overall.(look to the far left of my pic) The booster pump increases efficiency of the RO membrane by80%. If your plumbing isn't above 65p.s.i. then install the pump.

2-4 inches of sand will work for denitrification. I use 3+" The bottom layers is 1" miracle mud product from Kent not Eco-systems. The iron in the mud feeds sulphate oxidizing bacteria in the bottom of the sand bed and this causes the effectiveness of the bed. That is why systems with the mud work so well.(when properly maintained)

No matter what skimmer you use go with a Recirc model to increase contact(dwell)time within the reaction chamber. Also, if the pumps are upgradeable then use the largest pump the manufacturer recommends. These are all venturi/beckkett style skimmers so the faster the water pumps thru the better the injectors work. Make sure you ask about the largest pump for the skimmer you choose.


AC Members
Mar 21, 2007
Hillsborough NC
booster pump>HUH! I called a number of times to champion lighting on anything that I might use on the RO unit to make it better and never had they ever said something on something as this :mad:
OK, I just called champion lighting and they have this booster pump and its cost $200> :dance2:

Being there is no fire rush that the reef tanks aren't ready as yet, im thinking I will do this. I will order the booster pump with a new membrane and the two additional stage that I added on my RO unit, I will remove this single in order for two cartridge stage set and have the two carbons on the three stage with the micron and put the two Hi-S DI cartridges in the two twin stage set, (retrofit)> Also on the rush part, right now a lot happening with the doctors>
What is that object on the far left? Is it a fire extinguisher>

I copied this response you done here for I will as well speak to my lfs guy on the miracle mud, that I would pay him to remove the LR and sand that in these tanks to add the miracle mud.

The skimmer is supposed to come with two sedra 5000 pumps>
So as this whole thing progresses, I will now be known as your apprentice, just don`t become another Donald Trump and fire me :mad2: I told the person I been dealing with that I wanted all the best to do these reef tanks :rolleyes:

I know that lfs not tell you everything >

I will order the booster bump and all when i know the tanks will be completed


AC Members
Mar 21, 2007
Hillsborough NC
I talk to one of the workers at the LFS to ask on the aragonite sand they get in if its more like sugar sized or crushed coral and he said that its more like in between them. Now I can for the 240 simply have this miracle mud in the refugium of the 240, and to do this with the 180, I would need to change the custom sump. So for the 180, I will pay the guy to remove the LR and sand in order to have the miracle mud in the location you first said it should be in.

I wanted to see if I can see your tanks and I look into your profile and I guess you only respond to a certain topic only depending on what the question might be. For even that your fewer post count after being a member at AC for five years, it means nothing other then what it is that you could offer those who would like to try to do the best in which could possibly help ones tank.

I had ask this same question at about three other sites, and one in their first response look to be more sounding to the professional background and when this person responded a second time, it was as if was in question and not as reassuring from the first response.

But of course, we all not know everything but from what also I might had gathered was this other persons SPS tank are not the same in what im looking to do. Like the SPS corals that not need all that strong lighting. I been in this hobby too long not to take notice to such things. That I would/could get folks with many different levels of knowledge in keeping SPS corals.

It was the same thing when my lfs guy after I told him I wanted stronger lights then 175 watts and he said that they are good lighting for what I wanted to do and I explained that I wanted to be able to keep most any coral that demands the most in lighting and that I knew that if I was to gone with the 175, I would have to changed my plans on the type of SPS corals and go with the lower lighting SPS with more soft corals and I didn't want that.

I had in plan these tanks as you read here for more then 5.5 years now and had the thoughts of doing something as this for some five years before that. And now the dreaming and planning is to become a reality with the same thoughts all through those years of the type of SPS corals and dwarf eels with some clams, I never detoured from the first idea that I was to put into these tanks.

If the changing of the lighting from 250 to 400 watts will make this wait a bit longer, I will deal with it as all the other delays I had in this project. I just not know if there be any others who waited as long or would still had the determination for it after so many years in the works>

So now, I have to wait again to talk with my lfs person>

Buddy :)


Nov 29, 2002
ST.Louis Area
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I understand your concerns completely. My current setup is a 180g/250g total system that is going to be a packed mixed reef. I wasn't trying for an all SPS type tank this time around. I have been in the hobby for 25+ years and am 38 years old. I used to own my own maintenance company in the late 80's and early 90's. I have maintained over thousands of gallons of both fresh and saltwater. I have bred many freshwater species and propagated corals since 1988 when I started cutting soft corals and mushrooms/rics.

There is a web address in my signature that I post at more often and is why my post count is low. I also post alot on Tropical Resources.net which is the official web forum of Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine. I hope that helps.

Many of the corals on your list are the "microwave SPS" that love high intensity lighting. 250w bulbs would work but colors and growth will be much better under the 400w systems. We use 400w bulbs to grow out frags in these tubs...

If you already have a sand bed installed in the 180 then it should be fine unless you are having a nutrient problem with nitrates and phosphates. If not then concentrate on flow and water quality.

If you can add the mud to the refugium then do so in the 240.

1. Are you plumbing the 180 and 240 together or are they running separate?

Lastly, I am not well versed in the scientific names of the corals. There are just too many. I am familiar with most common names and can recognize the care requirements for most. SPS I have now are frags no one wanted. I have a tan birds nest, montipora undulata, montipora digita purple. I will be adding Leng Sy montipora tuberculosa(green w/purple rim) monti capricornis in blue, yellow color forms. Montipora superman danae and montipora sunset danae(orange w/green polyps) The rest will be soft corals and LPS species. Here is a pic of my elegance coral...

This tank is only 17 weeks old. It still has some maturing to do before I add too much more SPS. I want to wait at least 6 months.


AC Members
Mar 21, 2007
Hillsborough NC
Here to once my reef tanks are ready to stock will take it very slow that I will not add a SPS as the ones I most want until the 5-5th month, that I fully understand the importance of properly aging a tank.

As for your knowledge, I will not question you any on the input which you offer me again :)

The corals which are mostly on the search list, I knew of most them to require high intensity lighting, I do hope that you know that I at much times due to my medical and physical problems had some difficulties in best how to express myself in words, while I must type that is.

Your room setup is very impressive I must say :bowing: :bowing: :bowing: :bowing: :bowing:

Even that in my house, I have 2 bathrooms with a master bedroom and two guess rooms. And a computer room that happens to have the two tanks as one system. And an exercise room with as well the main family room (TV, etc) Kitchen and dining room and the last room area that I not know how to call it, it holds the 180 and 240 reef tanks to be with the 40 gal breeder and my relax electrical massage chair. In all, there are ten rooms.

the elegance coral, I hope your be on top that coral watching like a hawk, many folks for whatever reason, the coral fails :( I did thought to possibly having it myself, I like to learn why is it that so many not done as well>
I will check out that link, but not now, I need my rest for right now and as well, my blood pressure is really acting up.

Do know that now, I mean I had in the past year or two, ask something on these thing, but nothing was happening for I not even had the electrical work done, so my first stage in what im to attempt are the first questions answered. Until these reef tanks as SPS tanks, I never before it asked anything in the forums.

Nite Mr.Firemouth

OOPS!! I not seen this or i missed it some how.
Are you plumbing the 180 and 240 together or are they running Are you plumbing the 180 and 240 together or are they running separate?
The tanks are Are you plumbing the 180 and 240 together or are they running separated from one another and will have their own sumps and skimmers

These are old pics>

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Nov 29, 2002
ST.Louis Area
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Is there a basement under those tanks? If so you can drill thru the floor and plumb to the basement. You could then have very large sumps, plumb them together, and use one very large skimmer. Just an Idea. But if so there is potential to increase water volume to 1,000 gallons which would be incredibly stable.

Hope you feel better soon.


Nov 29, 2002
ST.Louis Area
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Is there a basement under those tanks? If so you can drill thru the floor and plumb to the basement. You could then have very large sumps, plumb them together, and use one very large skimmer. Just an Idea. But if so there is potential to increase water volume to 1,000 gallons which would be incredibly stable.

Hope you feel better soon.