Is extra food necessary for Corys?

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Sep 8, 2015

I have a 25g heavily planted tank with red fluorite as the substrate. I have a few bottom feeders and was curious to the different approaches people have of feeding cory cats.

I have:

1 Lyretail Pleco
3 SAEs
3 cory cats
2 honey dwarf gouramis and about a dozen various tetras

I realize thats pushing the bioload but I have lots of plant cover/driftwood, 2213 Ehiem filter and all fish seem very active and healthy. In the few months I've had the cory cats I've never feed them extra food. I feed flakes to the tank every other day but they very rarely pay any attention to flakes. They mill about the substrate and seem to find enough to eat. Should I be feeding them shrimp pellets or some other nutrients for their diet?

I'm concerned because one cory went missing last week and has never shown up. Another just floated to the top but from the looks of it was picked on by the other fish for some time before floating. I think he was probably stuck under some driftwood or plants before rising to the top. 2 unfortunate mishaps? I hope but just want to reach out and ask for more experienced cory keepers.


PS- My background plants are very young and haven't matured yet. Theres a few plants that aren't yet visible but will grow much taller. Thats why the back left looks a bit lacking. It a few weeks it will be much more lush.



Josh Holloway--Be mine!!!
Sep 1, 2003
Calif. SF Bay area
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Yes, corys must be fed. I uses to drop pellets for them at night.


AC Members
Sep 8, 2015
Are frozen pellets the best? I have medicated frozen pellets now they seemed to love but I don't think those are for long term feeding. I've heard shrimp pellets, does it matter?

Thanks guys


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Stage, I would re-home the SAEs. They are cute little buggers when babies, but they will get too large for a ~25g tank. I've got 3 adult SAEs in my 55 and they are hot dog sized torpedos. Total pigs at feeding time as well.

I don't think flourite is an ideal substrate for corys, but I'm likely wrong there. Sand and small/soft substrates are best for them.

Like said, you have to feed them sinking pellets, like shrimp, etc. You should keep corys in larger groups as well for them to be most comfortable.


AC Members
Sep 8, 2015
Mgamer- Thanks Bob! I just checked out your site. Very cool. I'll definitely order some repashy food when I get home (I'm traveling now).

Freshyfresh- Thanks for the advice. I've heard that from multiple people and am shocked my LFS advised me towards them. They are usually extremely knowledgable and not after sales. Anyhoo, I'll take them back and trade them in. They are cool about doing that. I know fluorite isn't ideal, but I've also heard so many people say they have been keeping corys on it no problem for years. I monitor their barbels most days and the 3 all seem very healthy. I have started to carpet dwarf baby tears. and S. Repens. Having a fully carpeted tank is a good idea for keeping corys, yes? If they are being feed and the half of my tank thats heavily planted with mostly stems is still exposed this might cut down on they're exposure to the gravel and still give them some nutrients when they want to sift.


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Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
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I wouldn't think being fully carpeted would be best for corys. By nature they need substrate to sift through and are going to try to sift through what ever you have. For this reason, I wouldn't use a dusty substrate. If/when you rehome the SAEs, I'd double the amount of corys. FWIW, I keep 6 Julii corys in my 29 and 7 pandas in my 55.

The only "plant" substrate I've tried was FloraMax. I had no issues with it other than it was dusty. From then on I just use ordinary gravel or sand and add root tabs for rooting plants if necessary. I mostly have just rhizome plants now. The only rooted plant I have is a massive amazon sword in my 55 (with gravel). I haven't added root tabs for it in a year.