Issues with a planted moss wall, please help!

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AC Members
Aug 27, 2010
Atlantic City, New Jersey
I recently had a huge amount of moss growing in my aquarium and I created one of those 'moss walls.' I took mesh, put the moss between it, sowed it up, and stuck suction cups through it all to mount it to the back. So far no moss coming through, but it has been less then 36 hours so no rush. My biggest problem is that my smaller fish sometimes go behind the moss wall and get stuck. I've had one diamond tetra bite the dust so far. I've also had a close encounter with my German Blue Ram.

How do you prevent this? The moss wall is secured pretty tight against the back glass panel. There isn't much room for a gap for these fish to get back there, but they somehow still managed to do this. Looking for help!


AC Members
Nov 13, 2009
+1 ^. Make the gap bigger not smaller. Only way to make it impossible for them to swim behind it would be to silicon the entire rim of the back sheet to the wall of the tank, leaving no gaps whatever. Which would be tiresome and limit your options if you wanted to move or remove it some time in the future.

Possibly remove the suction cups from the bottom, and place a rock or piece of wood in such a way to keep it from swinging farther out than you want. And make sure the top suction cups are on long enough stems that none of your fish can get hoplessly trapped in the space.