I've got kribensis fry!

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fan of the apistos
Feb 27, 2004
Montgomery MN
Visit site
I have had successful spawns in a species only tank. The first spawn I had there were close to fifty fry but only 21 survived due to too many mature females looking for snacks for the pair to handle. I gave away the rest of the spawn along with the extra mature females and left the pair in alone in a 29g. Now I have three different spawns growing out in the tank along with two very fertile parents still looking for ways to spawn again. I have them in a well planted tank and I feed the fry freezed dried Daphnia and crushed flake. I have been getting spawns since November last year.


AC Members
Nov 9, 2007
I have had successful spawns in a species only tank.
yeah, I'm certain if they were in a tank by themselves, or even with a few other gentle fish, the spawn would survive in high numbers. But, they're in my 90g, which they share with angels, loaches, nannacara, platys, tetras, and a bushynose pleco - lots of predators in the bunch.

I'm getting two new tanks next month, a 60g and a 33g, and I may use the 33g to house the parents and their broods for awhile.

I also have a breeder net, so if it was *really* important to me, I could throw some fry in there with a little clump of java moss until they were bigger. But, while the breeding aspect is interesting, it's not critical for me, so things will just work out the way they will :)